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How to read...


I have spent a few weeks pretty much googling but am determined to read something useful today, and even *shock horror* make some notes and other things PhD students should do. So...any tips on how to keep myself focused all day? I was thinking a lot of caffeine and maybe some chocolate raisins.


Caffeine might cause you to be even more distractable....water is best. Maybe some tea. I usually go to a library.


I find a looming meeting with my sponsors keeps me focused...hence lots of late nights this week.


I started my PhD in October and I felt full of energy and very motivated. It was easy to keep focussed and get a lot of work done at the beginning. Now, eight months in I feel tired and often struggle to keep focussed. Maybe I need a holiday. In the meantime what I do is to write down what my final objective is - get the PhD! - and what I need to do short/ long term in order to achieve it. I do this every week and continuously re-assess the situation. I keep that list handy and when I am tempted to spend time looking at forums I read it and go back to work...o.k sometimes it doesn't work


Have you a list, even if your tasks are just 'Read X paper'. I used to write lists on the disposable benchcoat on my bench in the lab each day. I found having it in front of me kept me focussed - when I started to think I had nothing to do, the list reminded me there is always plenty to do. Other students in the lab started writing their own lists on their benchcoat too!

Even now that I have finished my labwork and thesis, I still write lists most days. Todays:
1. Pick up my partners suit from the dry cleaner.
2. Apply for the job I heard about yesterday.
3. Buy a gift for a christening we are going to on Sunday.
4. Buy a belated birthday present for a friend and post it.
5. Phone my sister back.
6. Go to work at 5.30pm.
7. Book car in for a service.

This is ridiculously unnecessary because I would remember to do these things even if I didn't write them in a list, but I just like lists. Maybe lists will help you stay focussed too?


That was supposed to start "Have you TRIED a list"!