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I am stuck for participants...can you help????


I need your help!

I am an MSc student looking to recruit participants for an online study investigating current knowledge of community strategies designed to protect children.

If you would like to take part please copy and paste into your browser.

Thank you all.


Thank you for taking time out to complete the study, and share your thoughts and observations. I have made a note of these and they will be directly addressed in my final analysis.

Thanks once again.



I took your survey, and I would suggest to provide space for general comments/ feedback, as I felt that the survey didnot cover important topics and opinions I wanted to express.

I also got confused on the definition of "child". To me it is completely different if a child is regarded from 3 to 12, or 3 to 17, and personally I would completely separate child sex offenders from sex offenders in general.