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I'm addicted to...

Anyone else feel the PhD has enhanced or created random addictions?

Apart from the obvious e.g. coffee, chocolate etc. I have become addicted to 'Lion Man' on sky 1, because I like watching baby tigers and lions, but mostly because by constantly annoying them (I'm watching him now riding a male lion like a horse) sooner or later he (the lion man) will be eaten by one of them which will be great tv.


I've seen that Lion Man a couple of times. I just have one question: why the hell does he wind them up like that? He may as well prod them with a stick or jump out at them in the dark when they're sleeping and go 'Boo!'. You should watch Dog Whisperer - it's like Lion Man but with dogs. On the subject of feral creatures, Supernanny can be a good watch as well.

So, my addictions: zombie audiobooks (only one more left to listen to now :-(), Butterkiss microwave popcorn, cups of tea and texting into the Radio 5 Live talk show. Oh! Last week they actually rang me up to talk live on air about my sleeping problems (they were having a talk about sleep deprivation). This was about half 12 in the morning. It went something like this:

"Good morning, Tony"
"Good morning..., so you're having trouble sleeping. Tell us about it."
"Well I'm doing a PhD and I have a lot to think about all the time. I have conferences to go to, papers to write, I have to write up my PhD, collect and ana-"
"So, what's your PhD about?"
"Outcome measurement"
"Oh, woo, right. So you must have brain ache then?"
"No, just a lot of work."
"So, did you hear about what was keeping Andy awake?"
"No, I was downstairs making a cup of tea at the time"
"Well, nice talking to you"
"Thank you. Bye"

They lied! The women who rang me up to speak to Tony said there was going to be a sleep expert live who I could chat to on air. The buggers. Instead, I started talking about my work and they got rid of me really quick.


Hmm, i've not watched Lion Man, and poor Wal, stupid radio people, disturbing your time and giving you false hope! :(

I am ashamed to admit that I became (more) addicted to cigarettes :( I am constantly trying to give up, and do use nicorette during the day so I don't smoke then, but at night i get home, feel stressed and enjoy sitting on my back step with a cuppa, watching the stars and enjoying a nicotine hit - boo to me! :( (please don't hate the naughty smoker!)

I also love my Greys, Desperate Housewives and ugly betty (which they're now cutting after this season!). I also, am naughty in that I need my fix and stream it from American tv, therefore everyweek I get to look forward to coming home and losing myself for 50 minutes in their lives! :)


Addicted to:

Big Bang Theory (i love sheldon)
Full House (eeesh...)
Peri peri sauce



Ooh, Alpaca, where are you streaming ugly betty from? I've not had it for a few months now and I miss Ms Suarez terribly.

I am addicted to all caffeinated beverages, as well as several brands of instant hot chocolate (periodically the current brand will make me feel ill so I rotate them). I am also utterly addicted to the internet - this forum included - and incurably hooked on procrastination. My radio 4 obsession I don't regret a bit, although once I actually start to enjoy The Archers I may worry.


Teek -
woohoo, you have a whole 15episodes to procrastinate on so use it wisely! :) using megavideo you can only watch about 70mins every so many hours, which is great for stopping you watching so many! but there are other sites you can watch it from too which is terrible for watching too many hours and periodically switching! :$

I am also addicted to the internet - damn the thing!

unfortunately the science centre i work in has an in house starbucks (which I am trained in), and can therefore get, and make myself, any coffees I want anytime for the very cheap staff rate of 60p!!!!!! it does make it horrid to go to any other SB and pay full price and is really not good for my wellbeing (especially my poor guts!).



Thanks alpaca! But at the same time, oh dear, what have I just done..... think I might have to ration in in return for actually getting some work done :s Mmmm, 60p coffee, that would totally ruin me. Our lovely espresso machine broke last week, just after I started working from home (link?) so I may be saved from death by caffeine.


Quote From phdbug:

Addicted to:

Big Bang Theory (i love sheldon)


Haha, me too, he's awesome! Have got completely addicted to Big Bang Theory since my neighbour lent it to me. My housemate doesn't like it because she thinks it 'stereotypes scientists' or something, but I think she's taking it a bit too seriously! KB

hmm I love radio 4 because it was constantly on as I grew up, so its kind of like having surrogate parents talking through the day in the background.

Wal - was it you who got hooked on nicorette gum? and if so have you managed to kick the habit?


@KB _ i have a screwed up internet conection so cant watch at home, and watch BBT at school in stead on megavideo!

I'd love the whole set! I wish I could buy it off Amazon!

I totally love the way Sheldon goes "Leonard and Penny (tap tap tap), Leonard and Penny (tap tap tap) Leonard and Penny (tap tap tap)"

or stuff like "what do you two talk about after coitus? She doesn't even know Batman"

I'd really like to meet Jim Parsons!




Quote From sneaks:

hmm I love radio 4 because it was constantly on as I grew up, so its kind of like having surrogate parents talking through the day in the background.

Wal - was it you who got hooked on nicorette gum? and if so have you managed to kick the habit?

No, I'm still a toxicodependent. I'll kick it when I no longer have to sit at my desk for days and days on end though.


Wal - maybe we should set up a smokers support thread - there must be more of us on here! :) I keep meaning to stop, but yes I think i'm in the same boat and will properly kick the habit when I no longer have to come home and depressingly sit at this desk all night!
I have so many plans for after this is done - no smoking, exercise, keeping my flat clean, cooking inspiring yummy meals. Just the simple things in life really....!


Alpacalover, I'm a bit of a weirdo in that I'm hooked on nicotine chewing gum, like that Ruby Wax was. I have minty thresh breath, sparkly white teeth but I don't look particularly cool chewing gum. More like a camel chewing a cactus. Little wonder no-one sits next to me on the train.:$


a well at least well done you for not inhaling the bad stuff any more! :)
Have you tried the new nicotine mini's things, they're like smints - not quite as pleasant as gum to chew but you get a quick fast nicotine release, and it may help you kick the gum habit?