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It's my birthday and it's raining!

Right, that,s it. I'm about to go out for lunch to celebrate my birthday and it's peeing down. I had it all planned, a lovely sunny Italian restaurant, sitting in the window seat in my new birthday sandals and flowery dress, and my rayban shades. But no, look at it, it's like blooming rainy November. And to top it all, I seem to have crashed through the writer's block I've had for the last week and just want to stay in and get it all written down... I did over 1000 words this morning and could going now no prob. I just feel like coming over all Beryl Bainbridge, looking scruffy and writing all day.

I'm going to have to get into my winter clothes again! bllleeeeeeuuuuurrrrrggghhhh. hmmmm.


First off, a massive Happy Birthday Eska!! (gift)

Secondly, Have you made plans for lunch? If youare in writing mode then stay and write, you'll feel great after getting loads done, especially if you've had writers block, like a little birthday present to youself (in a sad-PhD student kind of way)!! If not, then whack on your dress and go out and enjoy your lunch! Nothing like a little silly rain can spoil your day, it's your day and you should enjoy it!

Have a great time :)


Ooh, happy birthday Eska! I often find the writing takes off at inconvenient moments too. If you've got plans though then leave on that good note and go off to swish your dress and eat pasta! (gift)


Awww, poor you :( Happy birthday though, I hope you did get out to enjoy your lunch! It peed down on my birthday last week too so you are in good company! Best, KB

(gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift) (gift)


Happy Birthday!!! If it's any consolation, I have yet to jump into my summer clothes and being in lab limits what I wear even more :-s
CB x


Happy Birthday! :-) I hope you are having a great day - despite the rain.

Thank you everybody! went for lunch, and wine, and cake, and then more shoe shopping. I have the most ginormous cup-cake you can imagine sitting half eaten in my kitchen, I wish I could give you all some... Oh well, wonder if I'll fit any dinner in after its finished?

I will get up early and write tomorrow!



Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Eska!
Happy Birthday to you!



Sounds like (apart from the rain) a perfect day :-)
Glad you enjoyed it


A belated happy birthday, Eska! Have some pixels in the shape of a gift box (gift)