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Retracting plagiarised paper


I asked journal editor to retract a paper in which my PhD research was plagiarised by my supervisor. See
He refused and wrote me a terrible garbage argument. Anybody knows how I should proceed further?


With the danger of sounding naive.
I can't understand why would someone, like an established professor, would risk his/her career by doing something like that...


I read about this before. It's been posted on a lot of postgrad/PhD forums.


It's not very important now to ask Why? Evidently, she wanted the authorship of discoveries, she described the discoveries as very important. And, as you see, she risked very little because she had friends who still keep this fraud out of the newspapers and out of the reach of justice.

My concern now is how to return the discoveries under my name.


One thing strikes me.....why does a google search for your professor not show up anything except what seems to be random websites talking about this 'case' and generally voicing their support for you...

where is this professor's home page? Where is her university existence?

Usually when you go on google and type an academic's name you immediately get hits for their home site.....


Hi Pyshnov

I just visited your website....... my word, i cannot express quite how shocked i was at what is happening there, not to mention the fact that this creep is now still teaching students. The worst of it is that you look as if you had enough for a great thesis, i've found not even half as much interesting data in mine, and nobody has tried to kick me out.

I really don't understand what your professor's problem was with getting the paper's published with you as first author and her second, there's nothing wrong with that, surely. In addition to this, for people with good data, departments usually bend over backwards to get students with good data the time to finish. I just really cannot understand what her problem is, it doesn't even sound like she has anything personally against you, just wanted to nick your results.

Hard lines, and i hope you find some justice eventually

hey physhnov,

It looks to me like your supervisor has a pretty weak record and is in a dry spell... desperate times eh. Can you look for another supervisor? It sounds to me as if you really have something, isn't there anyone with a higher profile out there for you? You are the goose that laid the golden eggs after all - even if she nicked one of them.


Thanks, people. But... new supervisor? I was kicked out in 1986. I am now 68 years old. I published my first paper in 1967 and continued in the same field for the rest. My last work is published on the internet. Biologists can be, I hope, very interested to see it at The program itself was done by the first author; this program makes the ideas published by me in 1980 into a computer animation. This is the first work that actually shows how the cells divide in the living tissue. Among other things it shows what the stem cells are doing.
But I need my PhD research back. It was great experimental work, based on the same theory: the tissue is not a bag with cells; cells cannot move within tissue and that simple precondition makes all other rules for cell division, formation of organs in development and cell renewal within the tissue in the adult organism.
So, I need this work back.
Again, look at Download it, it's free. And play with it, it's interesting for computer people also.

Hi Pyshnov: as this is a postrgraduate forum, I took you to be a postgraduate student. Science is not my subject, but I'm sure some people around here find your info fascinating. It sounds to me as if you have a better idea than any regulars around here what the possible solutions are for your problem.