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The Apprentice Last Night


Who else thinks Claire and some others are playing an unfair game? I had the impression she did not really want her own team to win. When Sir Alan Sugar's associate announced the results she was even smiling!!


For those who missed it, you can watch it here. but only if you really want to procrastinate another 60 minutes


I think it's a bit unfair that the people who speak up and try to take control (Claire, Alex, Simon etc) are always targetted in the board room. The ones who keep a low profile (like the other guy on Simon's team whose name I don't know because he hardly featured at all!) are practically ignored, so are guaranteed not to be fired. I think they're playing a game by not getting too involved in the early stages. But I can't wait until Lucinder is a team leader - I don't know if she'll be up to it! And what is she wearing?!
And I agree about Claire - I wanted her to go last night!


Its the way that it is edited also. Those who are brought into the board room are the ones whose clips will be majorly used in the programme making them appear more prominent in the task. It can make it a bit annoyingly predictable. It was clear when they showed the clip of Simon saying how he had an IQ of 170 earlier on in the show sounding all cocky that he would be the one fired.


I was always under the impression that official IQ tests didn't even have a score of 170! Maybe he took the test on one of those dodgy online IQ sites that gives everyone a genius score, then offers a certificate for a fee. :)

Simon came across all humble - but he is just arrogant as the rest.

Claire should be careful - she is playing hardball but doesn't have the wit or comebacks that Katie Hopkins did...and like Katie she'll lose her corporate job/career in the real world if she keeps playing the bitch.

All good entertainment!


The one with the blonde hair "working" the computer was a total muppet. why as a team leader would you stick someone with no experience/confidance on a key stage of the task. Plus, the female team leader looked like she didn't give a damn. Not quite a leader you want to work for.


I can't see how anyone can get by in business these days and not be able to work a computer - unless of course one gets one's minions to do that. They all seem a bit lacking in basic skills though, so I don't really see why they had these high flying jobs before coming on the programme


maybe we sould all join together, form a rival company and kick their ass at the tasks.


Well, at least I guess we might not come up with a bid of £5000 to do a bit of laundry , but then again, perhaps we would be inclined to write an essay on it, and who would be the supervisor


Can I be the muppet with the gratuitous ego and no common sense who does nothing but tell anyone who'll listen how wonderful I am?


We can let Sir Alan be the supervisor

write an essay on sheets lol, classic.

we would prob do an investigation to the various types of biological fluids deposited on the sheets etc etc

(only a scientist would think of that lol)


Sir Alan puzzles me a bit: on the one hand, he seems a decent chap, but on the other hand, he insists on being referred to as "Sir". That Sir business raises my hackles.


well both teams really mucked up on the technical side of things. what i was wondering all the time was: obviously things were not working out - why was nobody (apart from the team leaders maybe) trying the "solve the problems"? it seemed to me that many were kind of gloating at their own misfortunes (because they knew that if they failed it would be the team leader who gets fired). instead of trying to come up with improvements. weird...


And why does he keep saying 'laid on'??? "I've laid on two vanloads of fish"... "I've laid on a special dinner"... Get a thesaurus SIR Alan!!!


i expect its cos he started at the bottom and perhaps he has been given a bit of a hard time from similar people in the past, he may delight in the fact that these people who seem to have egos the size of mountains have to call him 'sir' and fail at tasks that people lower down the ladder could probably do standing on their heads. I think every one of them is out for themselves so they will never work properly as a team, if small groups were fired in one go it might concentrate their minds.

Wouldn't mind Mr, sorry SIR Alan as my super, but not sure about the otehr two