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what shoes does one wear with their 40's style wide leg trouser


I have some on trend Marc Jacobsesque affairs, but as the trousers lengthen my legs I am worried I look like I'm on stilts. Can I get away with a flat?
Richmond ~ I'd particularly enjoy your imput on this.


I wish I could help you, but I'm still struggling with the what to wear with leggings thing. I have recently bought some bug boots though. I love them. Not that that helps your dilemma!


Just to show no hard feelings Pea, I would recommend these


Thank you for your advice H, in the event I opted for my Marc Jacobs & ‘owned my height’ as the vacuous Tara would say on ANTM.
I’ve been away for a few days and there has been a flurry of activity with the mass homecoming to the forum. Welcome back my dear. Of course no hard feeling?!
I am not a hard feelings type of girl.


Hello DanB btw

Agree , that I would probably need a well greased poll, or some one else's sweaty lap as an accessory - to finish the outfit off with those shoes.


I imagine that one simply stands in situ on a street corner, or uses the spiked heel to hook your feet around the pole, whilst hanging upside down.