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2ii + MSc = phD?


I was reading the entry about the student who had a third and couldn't find a phD and was wondering if anyone knows whether this applies to students with lower 2nd class hons? I'm in the process of doing a masters in medical biochem where on completion I'm accredited with the IBMS, is there still hope for me to get a phD, or am I wasting my time? Especially in the Manchester area!

Full details of the qualifications required by the UK research councils can be found on their web sites (see links pages). In its section on eligability the BBSRC web site stes that - "a postgraduate Masters degree in a relevant subject will enhance a first degree by
one step (e.g. from a lower second to an upper second)." Awards from bodies other than the UK research councils may follow more or less rigid criteria.


I'm in the same boat mate, ive got my masters, and now working as research assistant, i have full confidence i will get a phd. So dont worry!


I'm in the same boat mate, ive got my masters, and now working as reasearch assistant, i have full confidence i will get a phd. So dont worry!


To anyone who's got a 2ii and a masters, don't worry. I've just been accepted to do a PhD in Manchester, after thinking I might be "past it" with a masters and a few years working as a research assistant.


Sian, sorry but I don't think you have much chance of getting a phd in manchester. Try Sussex Uni or Lampeter College.


Nah! dont listen to anyone, with a 2.ii and a masters you can get a phd anywhere, as long as you contact the right people and show competence and enthusiasm.


Its difficult, Just keep in there. A Very Good Masters Level thesis dosnt hurt either. Just needs determination. Keep plugging away!


from the NERC 2001/2002 student handbook
An alternative qualification or combination of qualifications and experience which clearly demonstrate equivalent knowledge and ability may exceptionally be accepted at NERC's discretion. For a candidate that does not hold a first or upper second class degree in an appropriate subject, possession of an MSc degree will not automatically be accepted as an adequate qualification for a research studentship, and strong and specific reasons will still be needed for an exception to be made.


I am doing MSc as well aft getting 2ii n work for 3 years. I managed to get a phD post but trying very hard to get scholarship. Guess that is the difficult part.


Get some lab experience too.


If you have 2.2 and a master there is no reason to doubt your ability to do your phd.I happened to have published original work after master on my own.I have presented papers worldwide without a phd.


Hi, Just to let you know I got the same results and I have started my PhD and really enjoying it!! Although it does get a bit mad! just bang on peoples doors and ask about I am sure you will find something! Good Luck!