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A much better week! Take a break everyone!


Hey everyone! Seeing as so many of you were kind enough to offer support when I posted a few weeks ago about not feeling well, I just thought I would let you know that after a couple of weeks off (and some extra medication!) things are looking much better! I had a lovely lazy week off (and would strongly recommend a lazy week off to everyone!) and then felt able to manage my conference presentation last week, which went really well. I also had some good reviewers' comments back on a paper I had submitted, so that cheered me up a bit, although I still need to make quite a few changes! But at least now I have the energy and enthusiasm to do them! I am going to make sure in the future I try to build more regular breaks into my schedule, to prevent another complete burn-out/loss of sanity, and recommend that everyone else does the same! It can be so hard to take time out, but I can't believe how much it has helped. Thanks again everyone (up) KB

Hey Keenbean! It's great to see that you are so much more positive now. Well done on the presentation (and thanks for the reassurance on my thread about it not being so scary!!). I am definitely going to take your advice and take some time off once I get this paper written and sent off (up) Best of luck with the paper!

That's really great! So pleased it's had such a positive effect. I'm off on a two week break next week, can't wait, I think these breaks are vital or none of us will ever get to the end!


Hey Keenbean, I'm so so pleased you are feeling better! I was getting worried there, it's impossible to do this PhD lark when you aren't feeling right. I think you are right about taking a break, I was hoping to have a day off last weekend but looks like it should be this weekend instead as other work got in the way, but your thread has alleviated any guilt I have about it! Just do as you say, make sure you plan regular breaks, and don't forget how much you week off has helped you for the future!



Hey KB - great to hear about the form and keep to that resolution as regards taking the breaks.

Think it is necessary to take breaks and force yourself to do so, but I think there is always something waiting (that chapter, paper or corrections). You just have to say "F**k it!", grab the Fedora and head to the beach :p

Need one myself and kinda half thinking with survey work coming up, might just take a week now as won't be able to once that starts.


Hi KeenBeen,

I wasn't following the thread a few weeks ago, but I think you've mentioned it before to me, so I just wanted to say I'm really glad you're sounding so positive and well - and glad to hear you're looking after yourself.

It can be so so hard for us to give ourselves permission to be tired, distracted, pre-occupied, etc without being riddled with others have said, your post is a good reminder to us all to just stop when our body/ brain is telling us to. "It's the only way" - *melodramatic voice; theatrical sweeping of brow*

Keep taking care of yoursel(ves) x


Hi KB - I'm really pleased to see this post from you, I was going to pm you this week to see how you were getting on. It sounds like as well as feeling better in yourself things are going really well with your PhD - well done!

I've been working from home more lately so have had a bit more time for myself and less commuting to uni (60 miles away) so I've got a bit more energy, even though I have a lot to do I don't feel like I am on a constant treadmill so much, it really does make a difference to be able to go at your own pace for a few weeks. I'm just working on my MSc dissertation at the moment with my PhD to look forward to which is lovely!

Take care, Natassia xx