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Any other part-timers involved in this manic juggling act?


Last December, I was progressing slowly toward the degree, so resolved to work harder on writing and research. Now I've published and presented, but my career has suffered. I haven't lost my job, though I'm unhappy with my performance.

Is it possible to do both well (full-time work and a PhD)? Or is this a life lesson in prioritizing vs. perfectionism... Hi, by the way, this seems like a great forum.


Hey there espresso. I know how you feel. I'm working (almost full-time) and am also completing a full-time PhD. I feel unable to do either to the very best of my ability and it has been a huge lesson to me - the key I think is knowing when 'good enough is good enough'. It's been valuable in stopping some of my perfectionist traits and being more pragmatic with both. Funnily enough because I have less time on my PhD than some of my friends, I'm more focussed and don't over-analyse my data and the theoretical aspects of my PhD in the way that some of them tend to. SOunds strange but I think this has actually helped me. Also some of my friends have collected so much data that they've had to discard a lot of it whereas I collected less but can use it all.
Good luck to you!


Hi espresso

Yeah, it's a real juggling act and I truly appreciate where you're coming from. I felt the same... 2 years in and, working full-time (as a secondary school teacher), I just felt I was doing neither job nor PhD justice. I finally gave up... my job that is. *grin*

Just finished my full-time post and switched to a probably equally busy 3.5 days a week (in the same field but unrelated to my PhD) research post (but at least I'll be in thinking mode). Hope things work out for you.