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Anybody else pregnant??!!


I'm a final year phd student and I'm pregnant (due in December) I am hoping to get my thesis and possibly the viva out of the way before my baby arrives. My supervisors have been great about it. Just wondered if anybody else has/is in the same situation.


Congratulations carolineE. Though i am not pregnant and never will, there has been a great post about this. Its worth checkinh it out.


I am! Due in December as well but unfortunatelly in my first year - perhaps if I spead up a bit I manage to hand in after one year (where is this face with the pscho laughter???)


That'd be a great way to do the Viva - heavily pregnant. If anyone asks any difficult questions just look as though you are about to burst into tears and watch them backtrack.


It's good to know I'm not the only one! I'm lucky that I'm in my final year else things would be a lot harder. Just a bit stuck as I've had my last research grant payment now and no idea what maternity pay I'm entitled to.
That was my plan for the viva! My supervisor thinks it will definitly get me the sympathy vote!


Hello! congratulations! I am just completing my first year and really don't want ton have to wait for three more years until I have a baby but poeple say it would be a terrible idea to try and do both... I hope to get pregnant in my penultimate or final year - does anyone have any advice? I am funded so will get maternity leave etc which is fab - also have a partner who works from home so childcare would be shared. What do peeps think?! thanks in advance...


I'm pregnant with number 2... and still haven't finished my PhD. I had my first 18 months in, and had 4months paid leave, and have come back part time. Working while pregnant is really hard work You don't realise how tired you get! (although everyone is different) I am lucky and can work from home (I do computer simulations), and stopped going in from 28 weeks after a scare and a night in hospital with contractions. My supervisors and funding body have all been great. If you are committeed, then PhD with baby works well. The flexiblilty is great, as long as you have the dicipline.


Just found out I'm pregnant with #2 and at the 'hiding ginger beer and biscuits in my desk' stage. My supervisor knows, but no one else. This was a total surprise (mini pill and breastfeeding not enough), and I have no idea how I'll manage to finish with two tiny ones, but I WILL SOMEHOW!!! Any one else out there managed? (I know another girl at my university doing the same things, and she is coping very well.)


I had my last baby in the final year of my undergrad but I had the extra trouble of bringing up tiny baby and two other young children whilst doing my PhD. I got through!!


Is anyone else fed up of hearing how they should have waited or thought it through a bit more? I know that money is going to be tight for a couple of months but I have a husband who is working and a job lined up for when I'm ready to start working. Single mums and people out of work manage to get by so why shouldn't we? Sorry for the rant just a bit fed up! On the positive side I'm out of the lab already so starting my thesis writing now.


one thing I know, if you listen to other people you will only find out that there is never a right time to have a baby. what's the matter with now anyway? I have 3 children and we all survived my PhD!


I thought I'd wait til I'd finished my phd to have another kid - 8 years later, I've still not finished the thesis & I'm too old now to have a baby. I could've gone back to research, but can't turn back my biological clock.

so girls, my advice is, unless under 30, perhaps have a fertility test before deciding to postpone on motherhood til after phd??

good luck to all the expectant parents out there!


This post really got to me as I am coming to my thirties and have put off babies for at least another year. But now most of the time I'm thinking maybe this would be a big regret in my life. I am not sure I can manage both. Oh ! why can't men have babies?


sheena, good point i think we should learn from seahorses.


I'm intersested to know what people's plans are for after they've had their baby/ies. I recently asked at a careers in academia thing at a question and answer session whether they thought it was possible to have a successful career in academia if you take time out after a phd and maybe a couple of years postdoc to stay at home with your children until they go to school (so say maybe 5 years) which is what I'd like to do. I got a really negative response about how it was unheard of which made me feel really disheartened!!! Surely it's doable even if you have to start back in a bit of a lower position. People take career breaks and swap careers all they time don't they?!