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Average time to be informed about studenthsip


Hi guys,

How long was it until you heard back from centrally administered studentships? I mean studentships given out by the university and not the department. I have been shortlisted and interviewed last week but no news yet. They said we would know by mid April but I read certain stories here that succesful applicants were informed by their potential supervisors whether they had been picked for the position. What's your stories? I am very hesitant to contact the supervisor asking.


About 2 months. 2 weeks to be told they were still arguing about it, another 2 to be told that they had chosen but the Dean needed to sign it off so they couldn't tell me who, then 3 before I got the acceptance letter.


Not my experience but a peer who was provided with a university funded studentship heard after about 2-3 months. It's usually externally funded ones that take longer (mine took nearly 5 months it was torture!)


Thank you for your replies because Ι'm psychologically exausted by now...You gave me some hope. Does the supervisor has any impact on the decision or is it only the research committe that decides or as a friend of mine 'the one who has the budget decides'. He is the leading supervisor of a supervisory team of 3 and he helped me to restructure my proposal and everything and I wonder if he has any saying on that...