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back from maternity leave


Hello everybody!
I am back and my brain does not want to do research - it was so relaxed just having to think about nappies and feeding and sleeping ;-) but nevertheless I am sitting here in a huge pile of papers and don't know where to start.
But anyway glad to be back on the forum and nothing has really changed.


Hi! I hope you and family are well... May I ask, how is it to be back post baby?! I am in my second year of four years and looking to start a family next year... any advice?!

Good luck with all the paper - remember, the hardest part is starting...

Jayney x


welcome back oz, i hope you're well and all.

just start at the beginning, then do the middle until you reach the end

no seriously, it doesn't really matter where you start. remember when you were an all new PhD student? well you started somewhere, and maybe it seems ludicrous from today's perspective, but it got you to where you are now all the same! so, just start.

and remember that your brain needs time to get up to its former power. it's like unused muscles. you can't go from zero to 100 in 3 days! but you'll get there soon enough.

good luck with doing it all!


Thank you!
I am not sure whether I should say this is the best time to start a family as you are more flexible then in a 9-5 or it would be much better to have a "5-o'clock work is done" feeling. I most certainly didn't plan to start family during my PhD and now I suppose I just have to get on with it and try to cope with sleepless nights, nappies, papers, long days and the feeling that my brain is not woking anymore at all and I just want to stay home and change nappies...


Hi Oz and congratulatins. I had a baby at the end of my second year, took 2 years out and now I'm in my final year. I did do some writing and data collection during my time 'off' hoping that would allow me to make do with 3 days/week childcare this year. Can't say it really went to plan though.

I didn't plan to have my daughter and do the PhD at the same time and I can't say it's how I would choose to do it in an ideal world but here we are - and I'm just trying to get through to the finishing line. How far along are you - in both senses?


Hello everyone!

I really need some name's Kate and I'm studying Geography at Southampton University. I've finally made it to my last year and since my friend just gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl, I've decided to do my dissertation on the 2007 Maternity Leave Act and how it affects women returning to work. I really need some mums to fill out my online questionnaire though!!

It takes about 10 minutes, is all completely anonymous and I would be so grateful if you could spare your time to fill it out for me. It's quite an interesting topic to chat about with fellow mums longer maternity leave a good thing or just unncessary?

My only requirements are
a) you're female and have given birth to at least one child (regardless of when)
b) you took maternity leave from work to give birth
c) your worked in the UK

Please click on the link below/copy and paste into your browser to answer the survey!

Thank you so so much! My e-mail is also on the questionnaire if you have any queries, or you can reply on here.



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