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broke....... any money making ideas.....


i'm broke!!! Any money making ideas??????


have you tried the hardship fund of your university?




I am also looking for ways to make money and right now, I have put together a box of things for Ebay. Just waiting for kind daughter to take some nice photos of them all. I am also looking for tutoring jobs etc. in the evenings as I have children to homeschool in the day.


Yes, by the way, I homeschool, my children, I am older than most of you probably and I am doing a PhD fulltime, and I am mad, energetic and manic


Why exactly are you homeschooling your children?


Long story, not appropriate for this forum
Lets just say, where we used to live, the schools were not exactly up to my standard and my budget wasn't up to paying fees....
It is hard work but great rewards


I don't know the whole story, but you emphasised the fact that you're homeschooling your children, therefore it is likely to attract some comments from forum users.

I don't know what you mean schools were "not up to your standards". What's wrong with "regular" schools? I generally dislike this attitude "I only send my children to the best schools". I think it's snobbish and divides society. Apart from that, children miss the best part of their childhood if they are at home all the time. It's important that they learn to deal with other children, for character building and also that they have some friends in school. In this case, it's not important if the friends are immigrants or are from lower levels in the society. But that's just my opinion and, as I said before, I don't know the whole story. But homeschooling is not be best solution, I believe.


No comment. It's my day job, I have never heard anyone else being questioned as regards to their own day job. As I said, this is not the appropriate forum and I don't feel I need to comment,defend or reply to this. I am here for PhD support, sorry I mentioned the day job.


No offense intended. As I said, I don't want anybody to defend anything they say, but if someone mentions something it is likely to attract reactions...


Fine, delete my day job comment


Most PhD student friends at Uni worked as a Sales Assistant in a shop, restaurant, etc. Pay is minimum wage, but keeps you in the black, and you meet with normal people


Part-time job? I worked in a chocolate shop for a couple of months when the funding ran out. I was ever so sorry to leave... How about invigilating/ marking exam scripts/ demonstrating etc?


Don;t think its up to us to judge the way that PinkNeuron is educating her children! Its her business.


I did neither judge it nor say it's not here business. All I stated was my opinion. And that's legitimate as this is a public forum and she emphasised the fact that she is home-schooling. So all I'm saying is, homeschooling is crap, in my humble opinion. Hate it or love it.