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bye for a bit


dear all,

just to say Bye for a bit (a week or more or less) as I am avoiding any typing that's not absolutely required for my hands refuse to work on the keys, and need rest.

:-) stay well, and love


Have a good holiday Bug! I hope you get to switch off properly a bit too.


Have a good break & go by the advice on resting your hands.


Look after yourself and do have a good rest.

To risk making your RSI worse would be too horrible for you at this stage in your career. At the risk of being a doom-merchant, a friend of mine ended up leaving academia because her RSI got so bad. She couldn't even hold a knife to cut up food for a while as her hand didn't work properly, and using the computer was impossible for months, even taking really strong painkillers. She's very happy now doing horticulture stuff, so the RSI led to something good in a roundabout way, but her experience made me really aware of having to rest when I got twinges during writing up.

Take care! :-)


Hi Bug

Have a good rest.  I suffered from rsi 23 yrs ago, but at the time thought it was arthritis, I was on the computer all day typing, I ended up packing my job in and going back to uni to get myself an education (after spending a bit of time globe trotting). The pain took a long time to go away, and was obviously v bad at the time, as my friend that I went travelling with said she was fed up with me moaning about my hands all the time - I'm not a moaner normally.  Anyway I eventually realised that it was rsi and the only time it ever plays up is if I'm on a crap keyboard, I changed my keyboard at home and have a great lap top, but if I use works/uni's keyboards for any length of time it plays up; otherwise good news is I'm pain free. So I hope you can be pain free with time and care.  All the best :-)


tx all, jst to say am nt takng a holiday/break. thrs a 3 day conference in the week ahed.. am just off typng unles v v ncesary.

best, love, bug


(((((hugs)))) rsi is awful - I hope you feel a whole lot better after a break from typing and all the best with the conference!