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Can I get full time work right for studying Phd?


Hello Guys,

I am very tense and confused. I am from India and want to take admission for my Phd course Jan 2015 intake in the UK University. I just heard from some one that one can get 5 years visa for a 3 years Phd course by Research. And there are no lectures to attend only to meet your tutor by appointment for Phd research. So you get full work right for Phd course. Is it true?

I mean if I am getting full work right for my Phd course then only I am taking it or else I do not want to just work 20 hours a week. Can anyone please help me with this. I would be grateful



You usually get a 4 year or 4.5 year visa. Maybe it varies by country so you may get a 5 year one from India.

Bear in mind you are unlikely to finish in three years - most people submit in their 4th year and then you have to wait for the viva and you may get many months of corrections.

There are no lectures to attend - it is just research. But yes, it will be full time, sometimes more than fulltime. If you get a stipend or scholarship you will have plenty of money so you don't need to work another job.


As far as I know, for a full time PhD, your visa will have a 20 hours limitation.

Also, apart from supervision, some programmes do include mandatory research training and in some cases, you might even be advised to sit some courses from MSc/MA level if your supervisors think it could be useful.

I don't know your research field, but in STEM, for example, you are likely to be in the lab 9-5 every day. I'm pretty sure that a full time job is not a feasible option.

In any case, check with the international offices of the universities you're interested in - I am sure they will offer you specific, up-to-date information.


Thanks for your replies guys. My worry is only that as I got info from someone that for International Phd students we get to work full time in the UK. I mean not like other student visas which has only 20 hours work right. I was told by someone that Phd by Research means no lectures to attend just to meet your supervisor and do the research so I can work full time. So even on my Student visa there wont be mention of 20 hours work only it will come as full time work right. Am I correct on this? Guys, please help me or else I would opt for some other course instead of Phd in UK. Sincere requests guys as 20 hours work cannot make money for survival and saving in the UK.


Hi Gemini,
You need to check with the immigration bureau that you are applying for your visa from. Overstaying or breaching the terms of a visa is a serious issue, so you need to be clear from the correct authorities exactly how much you can work. It strikes me as extremely unlikely that any student visa would allow full-time working as the visa is issued for a student, not a full-time worker. But you need to find this out from an official source rather than word of mouth on the internet.
Hope it works out.


You should also check with your supervisor what your likely PhD times are. A PhD isn't just about occasional meetings. You need to put in the time to do the necessary research and writing. What is your subject area? If science, then studying a PhD full-time you would normally be expected to be in the university office or lab 9-5 Monday-Friday. It's like having a full-time job in itself. If humanities there is a bit more flexibility, but you still need to put a lot of study hours in.


Thanks for your replies guys. I am thinking of doing Phd in law. But from your all views i feel that i should not go for phd as its too tough and again i will get only 20 hours work per week. So i think i should go for some other course. But i have already done my masters in law from india so what can i study now in uk. I am just wondering. I am too tense. I feel Mba would be best or something else. Thanks