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canadian journal of physics


Do any of your libraries have a current subscription to the Canadian Journal of Physics? I've been waiting on an interlibrary loan for two weeks (I KNOW, IT'S NOT THAT LONG...) - it's THE most important paper I've come across so far in my PhD and I have a gut feeling that it's NEVER going to come (or maybe the day after my failed viva), and my gut feelings are usually good. Anyway, I'm pretty much going crazy, it would be great if someone could send it to me...


...I'll have to cancel ILL first though (copyright rules), I'll even acknowledge you in my thesis :)


Just had a look and both Bath and Nottingham don't have it. Sorry I can't be of any help. But they have access to the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry if that's any use...


umm, no (!), but thanks for looking. It's a circuit diagram that I need so desperately.


Neither do Uni of Sheffield. You might be able to get it through ingentaconnect if you don't mind paying around £15?


Yeah, I don't really want to resort to paying for articles, but I did consider it. I'm going to pester our librarian right now! And then I'll e-mail the author. Thanks.


liverpool dont have it


Wrute a nice e-mail to the authors and ask them to send you a copy as a pdf file. Most authors will send it to you if you ask nicely .... though some are jerks and can't be bothered.


No university subscribes all relevant journals so it is common to ask the authors.


I e-mailed the author yesterday and he sent it yesterday! It's good to know that this is 'common' - I've never had to do it before. I know it won't always work though! I also got a British Library letter when I got home last night saying the article had been delayed, waiting list etc. Thanks for the help everyone.