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do accept or not to accept


help! I've been offered a really good phd, however my gut reaction is that it is not quite right for me somehow. however, i'm worried that if i don't accept i may not be offered anything else as good. What shall i do????


if you really feel it's not for you say no
1. Cambridge isn't the be all and end all especially when it comes to PG degrees
2. it's not fair on the other applicants to take a place you don't intend to follow through-it might not be right for you, but it could be perfect for the person turned down because you changed your mind.


I'm a bit confused. Is your gut feeling that it's not quite right for you because you think that you're not up to it? Or is it more because of the topic of research?


Hi, I think you should accept. I have a 1st class degree, and a year of experience in research and have been applying for a phd now for almost a year without luck. thats just my opinion, maybe im just a winger but anyway best of luck whether u take it or not.