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does anybody´s life suck so much as mine?


I think now I have reached my limits. After having done a double masters and not being able to get a PhD frustrates actually thinking of changing my field, cuz this field of envt sucks!!! I dont care about any envt actually!!!To hell with everything!!!


Maybe it shows that you don't really care, could that be the reason?

If you have already done 2 masters, this suggests to me that you have already changed fields. I don't think changing fields again would help, unless you really hate your subject.

How long have you been looking for a PhD place? I assume you are looking for a funded place. It is still possible to get one, as many Universities are still advertising. Don't give up.

And, I can list you worse problems and tell you about people with horrible life. I don't think your life sucks. It is just a temporary state of mind (I hope). Feel free to write more, we will do our best to give advice.


Thanks for the consolation 404, however to be honest with you I feel everything is so unfair on this planet. You are right i used to care about envt once but after seeing people´s attitudes and level to which some people can stoop just makes me wonder how i could actually waste all these years in this field. I think im very materialistic and being a materialistic person I shud have gone into MBA or some other field which wud have made more sense. Its rediculous being a broke and looking out to saving the worlds envt by begging people to hire you....that really sucks!!!Let them save it themselves...who cares!!! everything in this life is so rediculous and meaningless.....


why do (did) you want to do a phd in an area which you hate?


Nice when you have the monies to do qualifiction after qualification to find your 'calling'.


have you enquired about the reason why you haven't been awarded a PhD yet? it could help with your future applications? my field has a bit to do with the environment, maybe you could apply to interdisciplinary schools not just in the sch of envt i assume. try law schools and business schools.


Hi Hatelife,

I think it was Corinna who asked you the question already: Your choice of username seems to tell a lot about your current state. Or is it now even worse?

I am not sure yet your way of writing seems to indicate that your really had enough and you could be suffering from a depression or burn out. It probably would be a good idea to speak to some people regarding how you feel and what you are going to do about it. Obviously it is also good to voice your concerns in this forum but more productive may be to speak to friends / GP /counseller?


I agree with Rick. You sound as if you're having a real low. I understand that life can seem hard sometimes and our own problems feel enormous in context and comparable to someone facing the worse disaster ever ever, + it's hard to feel that there are people less fortunate than ourselves when we're in the midst of self-pity. I would try to speak to someone FTF about the way you're feeling & deal with the whole PhD issue when you're in a more sound state. Give youself a break, one thing at a time - you know.

Things always move on and I am sure it's hard to imagine but it won't be s*** forever.


i am facing similar problem of you. i am in PhD year 2-the midstage. i need two more years to finish.
in this stage, i wanna give up and change the field, such as MBA, since it is meanless.
However, after sharing with some friends, think twice, two years or 4 years is not a very long time in life but this process is very improtant to study how to deal with problems and working with others people in a lab. You know that there are some people is every loathsome in every lab. right?
Also, you will think that if PhD is very easy to get it, every one can get it. Dont give up, continue...


I don't want to come across as condescending or mean but if not being able to get a PhD or not being able to decide on your career path is the low point of your life so far then you are a very lucky person. This is what I tell myself when I'm feeling low and it helps me put things into context.

Hope that helps .


I have been planning to do a Phd for some time now, however, due to family and work commitments, unable to do so. I have only a few days ago found exactly what I was looking for, a PhD in Business Adminisation with specialization in Engineering Management from NorthCentral Unviversity in Arizona (acccredited by the Higher Learning Commission a commission of the Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The problem is, even though I checked this out on the USA department web site, as a prospective international student via diatance learning, I am concern about some US University that are Diploma Mills. Can anyone allay my fears, and advise me of any other authorities who can validate the universities accreditation credentials. Thanks