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dyslexic phd students...any out there?? is there such thing?


I have found out that i am quite dyslexic and feel quite disheartend by it. Are any of you dyslexic... have you got any tips?


really.... i didnt think it was possible to get funding from your LEA once your a postgraduate. I will ask at the centre.Many thanks. I have a pda... which does help.. but its not enough apparently.


Dont panic - Im dyspraxic (a form of dyslexia)and i get by ok!


Hurrah! You are not alone.
I am a dyslexic soc sci research student & share my office with 2 other dyslexic research students who are computer scientists.
I went through my entire school career ( bottom set for everything, extra lessons at lunchtime etc) & a BA before I was diagnosed.
It was only during my MA after I had watched a documentary on dyslexia and thought hang on a minute, that's me - that is and took myself along to student services. After answering a vast questionaire , showing them an example of my hand written notes and an indepth interview -they agreed to send me along to an educational psychologist who formally diagnosed me.
Many my problems are with short term memory, syntax and grammar & anything that requires sequencing. For instance I can't remember any telephone numbers even my Mum's who has had the same number for 12 years. Supposing you said to me 1,2,3,4,5,6 then I could repreat back to you but it would come out 6,5,4,3,2,1. I am hopeless with directions, can't ride a bike or drive a car.


My only tips are just take everything steady and remember it has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence or creativity, your brain simply processes things in a different way.Just be the measure of your own sucess. You are special and in a way it is an extra testament to the way your brain works and its capabilities that you are doing a PhD.

Personally I find that reading requires a little extra time for me and I need a gap between reading and writing notes for digestion. Before I can write up anything useful I usually have to go back and read stuff again -which I think most non-dyslexics can skip. I also print drafts out on yellow paper as for some reason this seems to help.

Definately get intouch with your uni's student support services and they should hook you up with an Ed -psychologist who should recommend some structures for you to put in place to make your life easier.


i'm also dyslexic and doing my phd in soc sciences, I also was only diagnosed in my 1st year of uni but it didnt affect me in my progress as i went on to get the only 1st in my year. I dont use any software or anything just spell check - i cannot spell to save myself but the only time it bothers me is when i'm teaching or marking essays as i spell the comments wrong! i take ages to read things and digest them properly but i've never really known any different and just get on with it,only thing to do i suppose! but see your student advisory service as they may give you software or advice that might help.