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How do I change citations and references to Numbers???

I need to change (Smith 2006) to [1] and in the reference list have

[1] Smith, M. (2006) procrastination as an art form during the PhD. Journal of procrastination, 38, 212-213


I hope this is what you mean...

On the menu bar go to edit, down to output styles and then choose numbered.


Or, alternatively, find a journal which does citations exactly as you want them, and set your formatting style to that journal.


Numbered, suprisingly, is probably the style you want. If you want, I've got a document kicking around somewhere on my harddrive that says how to create custom styles.

Surely its a contradiction that the Journal of Procrastination has managed to get to its 38th volume....although if all articles are only 1 page long it could kinda make sense.(sprout)

thanks people!

Well - I'm trying to submit it to a journal - the journal has a downloadable endnote style, which I've used, but is NOTHING LIKE the reference list they say they want (they say they want numbered, the downloadable style is essentially APA with a few changes). But having looked at recent published articles, they are using the same as the endnote downloadable style and not the numbers, so going to ignore the stupid info about numbers. :-s

How do you abbreviate an author name??

I have (Office for National Statistics, 2006) but I want it so it is something like (Office for National Statistics; ONS, 2006) and then (ONS 2006) from then on

Any ideas?