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ever feel like...


You have piles and piles to read and you want to read it all NOW and get on with the next part... but it's impossible and you don't know where to start, yet you want to start everywhere at once...
It's been a long day!


happens often.. need to calm down, usually good work needs patience.


Yep I know the feeling.. best way I find is to divide it up, so that all the similar themed papers are all together..then you have loads of little piles and its much easier to get through them one at a time :o)


I agree with Tricky, once you divide up the work thematically easier it gets to plough in cause you deal with one theme at a time. Good luck!


Oh yes, all the time! In fact, I become so daunted by the pile I create that I actually end up doing nothing! I'll start reading something, and then realise that it's not actually connected to what I'm meant to be writing about right now, so I feel guilty for wasting time when I should be reading something that will tie in to my writing, and end up abandoning it half way. I get these panic moments when I realise I haven't read anything in a while. Sometimes I'll go weeks without reading anything, because maybe I'm working on a piece of writing. We all know how much time gets eaten up with that, and your research gets put on hold when you're writing because you don't want to confuse yourself any further. I'm not one of those people who can write a bit, read a bit, write a bit, etc.


yes, all the time. one of the things that i do is that i stopped going to the library as i would end up with piles of books that i thought i needed and ended up returning them without even cheking the contents.