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Freudian slips in typos!!


Anyone else ever gone to type a word, only to find that your fingers have just typed a different word to the one you were thinking of?

I just went to type 'delay' and when I looked up the word 'deadline' had appeared on the screen lol! Yeah, if I didn't know!

Hope everyone's having a good weekend!
Best, KB


I once saw one, albeit not in a scientific journal, claiming that the search for the Higgs boson was taking place at the "Large Hardon Collider"...


hehe that would've been interesting! I've typed food instead of wood in my thesis so I must've been hungry! Good luck with the deadline and hope you don't have any delays. (up)

I have a buffering effect - and I have to talk about the effect of the buffer and it frequently (actually I've just done it again typing this) comes out with two gs rather than fs :-)


When writing an email to one of my supervisors the other day I meant to write 'missing' and wrote 'kissing' by mistake - that's a real Freudian slip, I'm sure it doesn't mean anything though and luckily I spotted it before hitting send!


Sneaks, buffer/bugger is a mix-up which has happened to me a few times in the past...


Regrettably, I once made a PPT presentation in front of a full audience with the 'L' missing from Public. So....:$ Public Communication became....

Quote From 4matt:

Sneaks, buffer/bugger is a mix-up which has happened to me a few times in the past...

its so easy isn't it - I think I may have to do a specific search before I submit to ensure there aren't any that have slipped through the net :$


haha, Phdbug- my brother once made that exact error and ended up with a powerpoint presentation entitled 'Pubic Transport'!!! KB


Lol pub*ic transpot, pub*ic spending, pub*ic amenities...

A couple of years ago, I wrote a project proposal to a young prof, whom i happened to have a crush on (not that I realized at that time)...I kept using the word "engagement" over and over, even if my thesis had nothing to do with anything romantic at all! Phrases like socially engaged, etc....anything where I could use the word engage, lol.

The words were so rampant that my sup yelled, "wtf is this engagement all about!?"


someone in my school when writing a list of equipment needed for a field trip put down that they needed to bring w(i)llies with them instead of wellies - its a girls school.