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Funding - UK Students


This is the new discussion forum for UK students to post questions about research funding.

Please post any questions, comments or suggestions you have regarding funding for study in the UK, the EU or anywhere else in the world.


Does anyone know how i can apply for extra funding. I wouldn't normally need it but my landlord charges me a scandalous amount of rent.


I recommend that you change the locks and do not let your scandalous landlord back in the house. He can sleep in vast expanses of the back seat of his car.


i have phd places but no funding. so where can i get funding from?


Dear Eric, visit our funding section ( and our FAQ section ( for more information. Your potential supervisor should have details of potential sources of funding in your subject area. If you do not have UK citizenship you should try contacting the British Council in your home country.


Have you tried contacting your university's Hardship Fund committee? They can sometimes be very helpful with money problems.


Stephanie talk to some academics and see if they can offer you funding. I believe that the only way one can get funding is through Academic or through industry (collaborative research)


Thank you Andy Pritchard. Are you still a member of the PGForum team?


You're right, here's the entire rogues gallery of moderators:

A*** *******y
A*** **i******
Prof. Dr. ***** ****** (U Bham)
K***** ***mann (UoL).

Sorry Sylvester, but we had to obliterate your message to protect the innocent. What you've stumbled upon is an internet red herring, an artifact of a past association, the remains of a free trial.


Oh, so who shall we say is running the show now then?

We miss Billie's singing round the office, but we're loving the new Dr Who - 'cause we want to!!'


But she's left Dr Who now.

She's in another dimension now, but she still pops round for a sausage sarnie on a Friday morning


That's right, she disappeared into a large hole in Canary Wharf. I hope she asks for tomato sauce on that sausage sarnie.