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Hi I'm new, and a bit stressed


Hi, I'm new to this forum and like the title says I'm a little stressed.
I am doing my PhD by publication. I have 2 papers accepted 1 under review and 2 in the stages of drafting. I am hoping to submit at the end of the year, so I'm also working on my linking chapters (as I will use my papers as 'chapters').
But I seem to be having a massive crisis of confidence. My sup has no positive words to say (ever) about my work and basically re-writes everything that I give her - not changing the ideas, but just changing the words to her style (eg, changing 'while' to 'whilst').
Today, after sending her an article 3 weeks ago to have a look at (she said that she would have it back to my in 5 days, but whatever), she tells me that "It needs a heap of work. Hopefully will only take me a couple of days" :-( Why does she say things like that? Why not say 'it is looking OK, lets talk about it.
I am normally a confident person, but her constant criticism, not constructive at all, is starting to get me down.
Sorry for the woe is me post, just needed to get it off my chest.

haha, Are you me? but with a better publication record???

I'm in the same situation (although my supervisor has no idea whether I am doing a PhD by publication or writing up a thesis AND publications) I have 2 ready to submit in the next 2 weeks and writing one up.

She does the same - I send her it and it comes back COMPLETELY changed, but just the style and order I've written things, not the content. And with nothing constructive, with it just changed.

I can only think that she is desparate for me to just get the papers out and this is the quickest way. She has seeveral other students who have taken nearly a decade to submit their thsis, so I think she's pushing me and she thinks the best way is for her to turn around the papers ASAP.

I would just take solace in the fact you have 2 papers accepts - that's fantastic! I wish I were there! and you are writing the thesis (I've been told NOT to!)


Hi Fm, firstly, welcome to the forum!
Now, your sup sounds like a combination of mine, so I'd say don't worry. Doing a PhD by publication is a great idea, and you've already got 2 papers accepted so you are on track. At this stage, you are already spot on for your viva, it would be very hard for them to fail you with that. You've got one paper under review, they didn't say no to it outright - it's clear that your work is a good standard and publishable. That's the most important thing to remember. It seems like a very small thing in comparison to your sups feedback I know, getting negative or unhelpful feedback from supervisors really is a soul and confidence destroying process.
But look on the bright side, you are so so close to finishing, you're on track with papers published, and fair enough your supervisor is changing words and being crappy with corrections, but at least she's doing corrections. There are plenty of people on this forum who are left with hardly any feedback from their sups and have to kind of make do on their own. Plus my supervisor doesn't really help with the corrections, I'll get feedback like this is nonsense, this doesn't make sense, things like this are driving me crazy....but never any advice on how to change it or make it better! Cue many drafts on occasion until I figure out what is wants me to do! Also I was promised 48 hour turnaround on my chapters (I submit in 4weeks) and a week after not receiving anything from my sup I email only to find out that he's off on holiday and he'll have it back to me in another week or so.

So try not to let your supervisor get to you, yes it's a crappy process, especially near the end when are too exhausted to try to fend off the negativity, but this is the last bit and you'll get there! And then you'll be free!


Thanks Sneaks! Nice to know that I am not alone.
Yikes 10 years! I don't think that I can last that long. You might be right about her wanting to get the publications out there - but I would really like a little bit of traning so that I can actually have the confidence and the knowlege to write the papers without her.

I can believe that you have been told not to write up your thesis - how do you keep it in perspective?


Thanks for your advice Algaequeen. I think I am just feeling a little frazzled today, and her email got me at a bad time. I know that I am luckier than others because she does read my work - it is just the negatives that I am having trouble dealing with today. Thanks again :)

Quote From fm:

Thanks Sneaks! Nice to know that I am not alone.
Yikes 10 years! I don't think that I can last that long. You might be right about her wanting to get the publications out there - but I would really like a little bit of traning so that I can actually have the confidence and the knowlege to write the papers without her.

I can believe that you have been told not to write up your thesis - how do you keep it in perspective?

yes, same here - I'm worried about getting an RA role or post doc thing, because maybe I'm S**T at writing!? - who knows. It would be nice to get some more constructive criticism, but I guess I'm going to have to spend some time analysing what she's done to improve my writing.

Yes - no thesis writing t'is true. It is very annoying, but I've been getting on with the publications. If I can get my first 2 into journals by next week I can write up the 3rd one. At which point apparently I will know 'my story' and then start to be able to flesh it all out.


So true Sneaks! I'm a bit concerned that I'll get out into the real world and not be able to do it!

But, I met with my sup today, and we talked through the paper, and have decided to split the results into 2 papers. She thinks that I was trying to put too much info into one paper and that was why is was getting a bit muddled. So back to reanalysing the data...