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Holy poo my essay won a competition!!!


I just found out my essay won the ESRC battle of ideas competition!! Wicked or what?? Certainly helps lift flagging spirits!!



Congratulations, you must be chuffed to bits. Well done!

What was it about?




hehe, holy poo, congratulations


I wrote an essay 'The public service customer:Misdirection, Manipulation and Myth?...I have never won anything in my life. My school is really making a big deal of it....feel slightly embarrassed by the fuss but to be honest it couldnt have come at a better time!!! So so so happy


Don't be embarrassed, you earned it. Your school will be chuffed cos it's kudos for them as well.

Do you get a good prize?


dazednconfused you deserve it! Well done! I am sure that this is just the 1st of many.


Quote From dazednconfused:

I wrote an essay 'The public service customer:Misdirection, Manipulation and Myth?...

Geee! What a topic! CAN i see it please? (up)


So, what is the prize for winning this ESRC competition? :-)


======= Date Modified 10 Sep 2012 13:59:24 =======
Edit: my post made no sense because this is an old thread.


Haha... I think we've fallen into the trap of answering a very old thread! The then PhD student is probably comfortably in a lectureship now or some other good job?! :-)


It was lovely to have this pop up in my e-mail box!! Yes it was few years ago now but it was one of the happiest letters i received saying I had won as I was beginning to doubt my writing abilities. Alas I am not in a lectureship :-( After finishing my PhD I spent 18 months looking for work until I got a temp. part time job at Manchester university as a research associate designing a website for the Online Centre for Ethnic Politics. So after 9 years training to be an academic/researcher/lecturer i end up being a web designer :-( . I am terrified of being out of work again and so am trying to cast my net wide as i work to help get more work next year. It's a tough old game.

Anyway if you really want to see the Battles essay it is here:

I won a VIP weekend at the battles festival and it was great!

Keep your peckers up!!!

Nicki :-)