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How far in advance did you file your intention to submit?


======= Date Modified 07 Jul 2011 20:23:37 =======
I've still the discussion (about 12,000 words), biblography, editing, proofreading, formatting etc My supervisors have read some of my chapters and haven't flagged up any major problems. They obviously haven't read a full draft and so I don't know what, if any problems, that will throw up. A major problem I've had is getting feedback. I'm tempted to file a form now as it will help focus my attention and get me working more and my hope is it will move my supervisors into action.

Given what I've said above, what are your thoughts, opinions?


From what I've gathered it differs from uni to uni. My 'stuff' is starting to get organised now with a view to submitting Sept (though I'd love Aug, even the 31st). If it takes three months where you're at, do you think yourself that you'll be done in that time? The only word of caution I have is my supervisor advised better to delay submission than have to contact your external telling him/her that your're not going to make the intended submission. That can't help trigger alarm bells off in external's mind.

What about outright asking them if now's the time to file the intent to submit form?


Hi Ady,

I know I could do it and knowing I've a clear goal to focus on would push me even more. It's my supervisors, they are lovely but absolutely terrible at giving timely feedback (took me 18 months to get my first feedback). If I believe they would go through the results in fine detail I'd even be content if they didn't have time to comment on the rest (but they want to). I don't want to get on the wrong side of them because although they've shown no interest in my future I do think they like me and would give me a good reference.

I'm keen to move on and although they say the right things, sometimes they talk the talk but don't walk the walk!


I was up against a registration deadline, at the end of March 2010, so had an absolute deadline to beat. My intention to submit form was submitted in early January 2010. I submitted on 10th February 2010.


BilboBaggins, How long was it between your submission and Viva? I'd like to go into 2012 a free person, if possible.


Twas 6 weeks. My viva date wasn't fixed in advance. 3 weeks after submission I was told it would be in 3 weeks time (eek!).


I'd love that as it has to be done and the sooner the better!:-)


Yikes I'd be in trouble! I have so many things with 'read properly before viva' scrawled on them. I aiming to submit September for a November-ish viva; or at least that's what I've being told. I aim to be a free person in 2012 as well :-x


Actually memory playing tricks. Was 7 weeks altogether. But not long. I was glad to get it out of the way. Though I was actually remarkably calm between submission and the viva. I found the submission side of things more stressful.


Hey Delta, you are welcome to my submision-to-viva time of 6 days if you like! I have to admit I'm in favour of it being sooner rather than later, but 6 days is pushing it! I've got 4-5 weeks to finish and submit my PhD, prepare for my viva, submit 3 papers for publication and prepare a rather lengthy fellowship application :-( If it all goes well I'm sure I'll be glad it was over with so quickly...but if it doesn't I'll be kicking myself for taking on too much! KB


Filled in Intention to Submit in late February (we have to give at least 3 months' notice), submitted in late June, Viva was end of September.


Thanks all, you've been very helpful. I think my stress levels could rise sharply if I complete that form but I'll give it serious thought.

KB, I truly believe you'll do very well on all fronts because you are so enthused by your topic and have worked hard. Wishing you all the best!