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How long does it take to hear from an application?


Sent in my application for a part time PhD last week, got a letter from the research office at the weekend saying they'd received it and would write again when they heard from the Dean of the relevant school.
Am now in that horrible place where it's all I can think about and I'm really impatient to know whether it's a yay or a nay! Anyone any experience of how long it takes? I know it will vary from uni to uni, but at least a rough idea might stop me from scaring the postman every morning!


Hi Ju- I absolutely detested being placed in that position, so I know what you mean. It might be worth contacting the dept. to see how long they usually take considering applications, as it really does vary so much between different uni's and between dept.s in the same university. Unfortunately, I think that they may not be able to give you a concrete answer but perhaps just some indication from them, as you say, would be helpful. I applied to over 6 universities for funding and PhD's and spent most of the year losing my mind and definitely frightening postmen, but I really hope thats not the case for you!


Hi Ju, normally it takes at least four weeks and even eight weeks is normal. It also depends on availability of supervisor(s) and research tutor who will have a look at your proposal first and decide whom it should go to. Then probably you'll be invited for an interview especially if you expect to get funded from the department. But as yours is a part-time one, the entry process shouldn't be too long though as they know money wouldn't be an issue. Good luck


Thanks Vince and sourapple,
I thought I would probably be waiting for while, but sometimes it's hard to tell yourself that! I've been working with a potential supervisor on my proposal and have said as much on the application, so hopefully it will go straight to him. I'm self funded as well - just don't ask me where I'm going to get the fees from


so hopefully that might speed the process up a bit! I will contact the department and see if they can at least give me a vague idea. Thanks! (my postman says thanks too)