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how many days are you in office per month?


I'm curious about the time everybody spent in office. give me your answer


Every bloody day. My supervisor (well, one of them) thinks that holidays are bad for your work.


office/lab every day!


Pretty much three full days a week... but don't do much work, it's more of a social thing to avoid turning into a complete hermit. the rest I spend at home reading


I try to work normal office hours, so about 8 a day (not all spent doing 'proper' work!). It goes it peaks and troughs though, when it's busy I'm happy to put lots of extra hours in, when it's quiet I'm happy to spend half a day drinking coffee with friends


hehe, seems that it is totally up to your preference as long as you can do a good job.


Yup I think so! only you know if you're doing enough work, and if you don't it's only you that suffers. I'm a firm believer in not working toooo hard though


Not sure I'd agree, Pup: it's not always easy to be honest with yourself. I think feedback and a bit of healthy comparison with others is improtant to stop you drifting.

Also, in my case anyway, a LOT of people suffer if I don't do my work, cos that means they can't do their work (it's a lot of interlinked research).


Its everyday for me.