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how much does a ph.d. get paid?


I would like to have some idea of how much a ph.d student get per month?

I have got an offer but do not know if I should negotiate for the monthly stipend.

Any advise? Thanks a lot.


I get 10 000£ per year or 820 £ a month. Between 8 000 and 12 ooo £ per year is normal. What makes you think you can negotiate your stipend? It is normaly a fixed rate by the funding organisation - take it or leave it.


Between 8 000 and 12 ooo £ per year is normal...........Between 8 000 and 12 ooo £ per year its 40% different cretino!!


but you either decide according to who pays more or which lab has a better reputation or the project that interests you more. You won't get rich during your PhD. Its take it or leave it. If you want those 40% more then go for a 12 000 stipend.

You won't be able to negotiate your grant. If you don't think it's enough you'll have to turn it down flat and look for a PhD with a better studentship. CAST and CASE awards usually pay the most.


My uni is positively stingy by these standards, I only got £5500.00 Crap!!


5500£- Not a lot!
My rent in Brighton alone is 310£ a month, and it isn't a mansion! Do you work somewhere besides your PhD to make ends meet, Anon2??


anon german is always very rude to everyone for no reason, is it possible to get rid of him? If you are frustrated mate just drop it


My CASE studentship is £14500 Im reslly happy with this as some of my friends are on much less


It's tax free though, right?