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How to withdraw application


Hope I'm doing this right as it's my first post...

I am applying for PhD positions right now and met with a possible supervisor a few months ago. He was very friendly, approachable and excited about my ideas (even though, in retrospect, my ideas were all over the place at the time). I've continued through the application process and here I am, a few days before submitting an application for funding and I think I want out. Although initially he was very helpful, his tone has changed recently and the last emails I opened from him were pretty rude and critical, accusing me of not considering his previous comments, though I had.

I'm trying to be grown up about this and realise that people have bad days etc but I'm worried sick that this could be a taste of what is to come if I pursue a PhD with him. How do I withdraw my interest without sounding as if I can't take criticism? I can take criticism, no problem but the tone bothered me a lot and I'm not convinced the criticism was well-founded.

Either way, I'd like to know how to email him politely to get out of the application process. Do I go through with the application and just not take up the studentship if I get it (seems slightly unethical...) or should I get out now. If so, what do I say?



That's really awkward. I don't get why some academics feel the need to push their authority by acting meanly. Surely they'd get more appreciation by being nice??

I'd say it's better to get out now instead of going through the whole process. Do you have any another active applications going? Even if you don't (and you're 100% sure you don't want to go with this person anymore still) you could pretend you have been offered a better position elsewhere? maybe say something along the lines of, "thank you for your time and the helpful meetings, but I have decided to take up a position elsewhere".