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I am one of the only few who.....


...doesn't work in the evening and at weekends?

I think it stops me from getting stressed and trying to runaway (by foot) to Scotland.

Or am I just a lazy so-and-so?

I like the weekends to be for me to do whatever I want with my bloke (if hes not too busy galavanting around London with his friends).


you're not alone, I favour the same approach. I would go mad!


I don't generally work at the weekends.. I sometimes might read the odd paper in the evenings during the week (sometimes its a good way to send me to sleep hehe)


I'm not a fan of working weekends or evenings, I don't want to be one of those people that is always working. I suppose when I'm busy I might have to but until then I'm definitely sticking to my 9-5 approach.


People seem to be polarized on this one: I've been told that serious academics must always work at least one day in the weekend, as well as weekday evenings, but I've also been told that working at weekends results in burn-out. As for me, if I'm feeling inspired (not too often) I can easily work all weekend, but only occasionally - I can't just work because I'm "supposed" to. Though I do try to do at least an hour of reading on weekday evenings.


Isn't it the case that, if you don't feel like working in the evening/weekend, you shouldn't, as you won't be productive anyway. And f you do feel like it, then do?


i work all the time. i have a lot of work :|


I work 9-5 (well maybe a it more or less), but that is about it. I dont do evenings or weekends, although I may look up a few papers if I have an idea or there is something I need to look at.

I try and unwind at the weekends. I used to work evenings and weekends. I have to say the PhD has been a lot easier (I mean I am a LOT happier) now that I dont!


oooh, this is very reassuring!


I am so pleased that other PhDs feel this way too I feel guilty for not wanting to go in at the w/e to do something that takes 10mins! (I have to commute an hour).


This is a strange one. I keep disciplining myself for not achieving my self-imposed deadlines by working longer hours. Last Saturday I spent reading in the library and spent all day Sunday marking undergraduate essays. Suffice to say, I haven't had a day's rest for nearly 2 weeks and I'm feeling pretty knackered and worn out. So I'm doing nothing (workwise) this weekend!


I personally dont think it helps at all working all the time. I think a lot of people work at the weekends because they are scared if they dont they will fail. But this very attitude makes it even more demoralising when things dont work or progress is slow. Its a horrible cycle as you think you need to do more work, but nothing works, so you do more work, stress more etc. I think I make just as much progress when I dont work weekends as when I do.


I think it is very important to get away from it often and forget about it completely. After all, it is only a degree, not life or death. I think you do much better as well .I didnt worry much at all as an undergrad, apart from the last term of my final year. I also didnt really do a huge amount of work as an undergraduate outside of lectures and revising a bit before exams. People who spent every waking hour working (and stressing) as an undergrad did worse then comparible people who relaxed. Why should I worry for 3+ years now.

Everyone is different though.


in my first year I worked about 80% of my weekends. now I do not try to do so but sure I read almost every single day. however working in biology sometimes you have to go to the lab in weekend to check on your growing material, change buffer, change temperature etc..
to be honest, I feel excited and motivated the more I get positive results and sometimes I do not want to stop working!! out from work I swim, watch movies, shopping,visiting freinds.


I'm Pt - evenings and weekend is the only time free for work