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I feel sick (abt my thesis)


I'm doing the last bit of editing before I submit in three weeks. I feel I should delete parts and include more details etc. But I just feel totally sick, can't even eat properly. Reading the thesis is almost unbearable now. How would you handle these last days, can't imagine what I would do when the viva date gets fixed. :$


You have my sympathy Sheena. I fall out of love with my thesis on a regular basis. When I am trying to overcome aversion, I try breaking the contact down into minor things and try to make those things fun. For example, I identify a treat I really want and tell myself I can have this as soon as I have finished 10 minutes on the thesis (or if 10 is too much then 5 mins or even 1 minute contact at a time on very bad days). I do my set time with the thesis then I enjoy the treat and I have long rest periods between contact. So on a bad day I will have 1 - 10 minutes then a coffee and biscuit. Followed by an hour's walk in the park (when I usually find myself thinking interesting things about the thesis). 1 - 10 minutes and then lunch. And so on. At the end of the day I might have spent 5 - 50 minutes on the thesis. I then reward myself for doing so much. I always reward and praise my efforts and never think of them in a negative way as too little or trivial. After a day or so of this I usually find I am back in love with it and can work hours on end and enjoy the thesis. Hope this helps!