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I have a silly question about diagrams

I'm trying to explain a concept to a research group that I am a junior member of via a 1 page summary. I have a very useful diagram in a book that I have a copy of but no electronic copy and no access to a scanner (I need to get this to them asap as there is a meeting scheduled). Is it acceptable/legal for me to essentially copy this diagram by reproducing a bad version of it myself in word/paint??? If so how do I reference it??

I would say yes, as long as you cite/reference it as 'model/diagram from Smith et al (2009)' or something. I have recreated models from papers to make them look better in word 2007


I second what Sneaks said. It's fine as long as you cite it in your text, and I usually cite the source again in the diagram title (but that might just be me...)

Thanks Sneaks and Pinknumbers -saved me alot of hassle.

So would I be correct in citing it as "adapted from Brown 2050" ? As the diagram won't be identical to the original?

I would put 'replicated' as 'adapted' suggests you have added/changed bits of the model, whereas you are just changing the look? am I right? - if so replicated?

Perfect - thanks Sneaks (up)