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indecisive about PhD!


Help!im so lost, finished my Msc in Oct 2007 having done my research on control of mosquito borne diseases..took time off and then began job hunting but couldnt find anything suitable. Am now considering a PhD but feel apprehensive about the whole experience..i.e studying one thing for three years..what is that like? Although i am very interested in staying in the area of infectious disease..i have always been passionate about marine science and conservation I just cant decide which way to go! my head says PhD in control of disease a science which will provide a good career, BUT im scared of abandoning my interests in marine science!i have to make a decision because the phd will determine the direction of my career right?! help!


if your not sure about doing a PhD then my advice is not to do one. it may seem like an attractive option because you are finding it hard to get a job but stop and think. is a PhD going to get you where you want to be? i.e will it enhance your careers prospects?

if you are not sure steer clear. three-four years working on a specific topic which you might not enjoy is a long time and many people find them selves no more employable with a PhD than without