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Interview help!


I keep stuffing these up - 4 and counting. The fact I'm getting the interviews means my CVs there but my interview technique is rubbish. Any advice?


I wouldn't assume it was down to your technique that you're not being successful, it is just so competitive at the moment that there may just be one person that they already know or has slightly more experience than you, but hopefully you will get the next one!

Is there anything you remember from the interviews that could be improved on? Have you asked for feedback from them? It could just be a confidence thing, maybe you just don't sell yourself enough? Just be enthusiastic and research the project a lot to make sure you give your best!

Good Luck!


Hey! I agree- you just don't know who you are up against in these situations so don't be hard on yourself. I had an interview a few weeks back for a job I didn't get and they actually said that the interview was really good- I was just up against someone who already had a post-doc under his/her belt. In addition to this issue you never know if there is an internal candidate who has been lined up for the job- I've seen this happen in my own team. People travel from all over the UK for the interview, and it was only ever going to go to the internal anyway. So you may well not be interviewing badly- it might just be that you've been unlucky with the competition. You should ask for feedback too- if you've got as far as an interview then most people are willing to provide you with feedback. Ask specifically about things you could have done better in the interview if you get a chance to speak to one of the interviewers- aside from having more experience etc, you could ask if there was anything that you could have said that would have made a difference. I wouldn't be shy- you'll probably never meet or hear from them again anyway! Finally, getting interviews shows that the background essentials are there- or esle you wouldn't even be getting as far as the interview. If you keep getting interviews at this rate it'll only be a matter of time before you land something! Good luck! Best, KB


I totally agree - it's really tough out there at the mo!  It's probably to do with the competition which seems to have upped the stakes so a lot of people (some probably who are over qualified) are applying for fewer positions so what you didn't need much experience except a PhD previously now requires X amount of experience, X no of papers and a PhD! Unfortunately this seems to be happening to postdocs and even temporary teaching positions which don't require a finished PhD but the people getting them have done at least 1 postdoc or taught modules/got papers published etc...  It really is demoralising and I hope they increase the spending soon so we can all get jobs!!! It's a pain to go through all the effort of a PhD and not to be able to get a job you want!  At least you are getting interviews so that is really good! Confidence is also a big thing which has already been pointed out - it's also how you project yourself which helps you blag the job!  You may not be the best suited candidate but if you can sell yourself they maybe willing to train you in the skills they need!!!

Good luck (up)


confidence is a major issue, as is an idea of the questions. Need a list of possible questions!
I'll start: name a recent scientific paper you've read and explain why it was important to global conservation.
That question sunk me at my last interview! Anyone else have science or anthropology interview experience? My next one is a interdisciplinary phd...