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is international management and leadership worthwhile



I have a degree in Forensics, but cant find any jobs in it. I sort of lost my confidence in it and thought maybe I should do a masters in something totally different. I am not very buisness minded and envied people who were. I thought maybe if I do a course I know little about i would be motivated in learning. The course is £5500 so a lot of money for something I am not sure about. I just don't know if the course will benefit me, I really want to do a masters, but not sure this is the course for me. thanks


It's hard to say as it depends what you want out of it. Have you seen any other courses that you are really interested in and have a burning desire to do as if you do a course that you are unsure of or maybe not that interested in the motivation will be harder and you may struggle with it. Have you talked to a career adviser to see what your options are and see what other areas you are interested in? Would you like to use any of the skills you picked up or start completely fresh in a new topic?

I don't think your vote works as they both say the same thing as I think the Yes and No options cut off. It might be a good idea to include a Maybe option as whether it's worthwhile or not depends on your motivation for doing the course e.g. career change, interest, to get an extra qualification at a higher level etc...