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Is this the end?


I have three weeks to write my transfer report and I am considering 'throwing in the towel'. I am struggling to say the least. My ideas are all very hazy and writing is turning into a real nightmare. I have attempted to use a plan to structure the report but it just doesnt seem right. Has anyone been in the same boat? How did you overcome the 'writers block?


OK, what I'm writing is presuming a transfer report = a 1st year report (transfer from MPhil to PhD etc)

I don't think it's unusual to still be hazy at this point; indeed my supervisor has said that most students don't really get a good idea of their PhD until after the transfer/1st year report. I guess that's why doing a 1st year report is a good idea, because it gets you to think about it in more detail.

I just got my 1st draft back and there were scribbles all over it, mostly to do with how I structured the report. So I'm struggling with that too

The impression I get is that this kind of post is quite a common concern; so do your best, stick with it, and let us know how you got on!

Hope that helps


Ditto DanB. As a more general point, if writer's block is really getting to you, one way to kick start your writing is just to write something no matter how rubbish, how informal the language etc. The two benefits of this are that it gets the brain into action and the ideas will begin to come and also because it is easier to edit a crudely worded document and make it into an academic prose than to write that academic prose from the start.

So essentially you're just concentraing on ideas for now, not getting bogged down in finding the best words to use in each sentence.


don't worry bazaab. i have wondered whether I have the ability to do a PhD a few times in the last couple of days. my problem tho is different - too many words - am downsizing them at the mo and it's due tomorrow. yea - academic writing - am not so bad at that. i think what is confusing me is attempting to integrate my previous work into one chapter - a lit rev. am secretly blaming my supervisors for this, and yea, i agree that it is only after you have written your report that you begin to have a clue about what your thesis is about. don give up when you feel lost - hang in there and some clarity will soon come. well done Dan B!


Hi DanB, it is my first year report. I guess it boils down to the fact that I have left it to the last minute (only three weeks) to write a report that should be around 30 pages (at 1.5 spacing). It is definately enough time to complete but I am very worried about how my life is going to be in the next few weeks. God help my girlfirend who has just moved in!
I think the ideas suggested are definately going to be considered and I thank you all for your help.