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Jobs after completion... Industry


Hi all... Just wondered if anyone knows of any decent databases for jobs for PhD graduates that are non-academic based. Am based a Business School with little industry experience.

Though I'm only just starting off on my PhD (and thus far enjoying it) am conscious that I want to ensure that I market myself as strongly as possible to any prospective employers so could anyone recommend tasks to do in tandem with my PhD?

Finally, any facts (i.e. type of jobs/starting salaries) for PhD graduates would be appreciated.


Hi Peckster - I think it all depends on what area of business you are looking to go into. Obviously the civil service has specialist recruitment gateways, such as the government operational research service, or statistics section. I personally am looking at HR type roles, so CIPD would be a good one there. In terms of salary, I think it all depends on whether the PhD is necessary. You will probably find that some recruiters couldn't care less, so you get dumped in with all the graduates, and others will value it highly and you will go in at a higher rate. Regardless of where you go in at, the PhD should help you move through thte ranks quicker than a normal graduate.


Hi Peckster,

mm, database as such I don't know. Agree with Sneaks you'll need to narrow what you want to do down a bit first. The graduate prospects website is really good for exploring different options.

Some research on destinations is being done by the research councils which is due out next year, which i believe will include info on salaries- I'll post when it's out.

Vitae recently published 'What do Researchers Do?, on employment destinations straight after a doctorate, split into subjects- check out http//
just had a look at business- surprisingly 66% of doc grads are employed in education (over all doc grads the figure is about 50%), next biggest sector is finance, business and IT with 18%.

hope this helps,