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Just would want some advice on this situation


So well I don't know if there's a fix for the situation, but so I guess it would already help to have someone to talk with about this.

Just something about me: I am a introvert person, during my bachelor I did my internships at a company and it was kinda like you come in do your work if help is needed you just ask and go on etc.
I started my PhD almost 2 years ago and am always busy helping others setup their experiments, do mine own experiments some side projects etc. I know I am doing atleast alright in terms of research since I will probably get my first publication soon along with atleast 1 more this year, other then that I am always busy with work from the moment I come in at 8:30AM till I leave sometimes till midnight.

Now about a year ago some new people joined the group and they together with a staff member are very very chatty to the point that they are just gossiping about groupmembers, on facebook for more then just a moment during work, etc. To the point that they are saying stuff to the Professor that are simply not true. so far I have been trying to avoid them a bit during lunch because they act like that and I find it quite dumb to be gossiping about colleagues so is there something I can do or should I just stick it out for 2 more years? I already mentioned to the professor once that certain stuff they didn't tell the whole story, like they saying I didn't want to help organize something while they never included me in the discussions from the beginning nor asked me to be involved, just did it among themselves.


This is really tricky. Can you think of possible things to do, and then the possible best and worst case scenario for each? I think that is what I would do. Then choose the one with the least bad possible outcome (if that makes sense). Because you don't want to make yourself feel worse by becoming embroiled in the situation. Is it something that you could ignore, do you think? Or do you think that maybe things will get better - like the gossip will run out?


I think I will just try and ignore them and not offer them help when they need anymore, it's just annoying that when I come to work there is that happening, I mean it's not like are kids.....


Hi JaBa,

This sounds quite unpleasant, sorry to hear of your troubles. It sounds very similar to a group of students/staff in my lab when I first started my PhD. I found that putting my head down and focussing on my work, and keeping a good working relationship with my supervisor was the only way forward. Also I noticed that as time went on and some of these students moved on, the friendships suddenly weren't as solid looking as I thought previously, and it turned out that other staff realised that they were gossips who didn't work as hard, but just turned a blind eye for some reason. Anyway, hopefully this will be the case in your situation where some of these people will move on/get other jobs, etc. I would advise just making sure to keep a good relationship with your supervisor where possible and keep your eye on the prize! I hope things get better for you.


I would probably make some light comment about these untrue things they told about you, just in order to let them know that this kind of behavior won’t be unnoticed and won’t get them far. After that I would try to act normally and not react to any future unpleasantries. I understood that not everyone in your group is like this gossipy people? I would probably stick to those who aren’t and limit my help to them – you should not waste your time on people who can’t value your friendly ways.


I hate this type of behavior. The problem is..if you keep your head down and keep working, the damage they do continues. If you discuss with someone, you risk looking petty. I would recommend scheduling a meeting with your supervisor, explaining that you enjoy doing a good job & would like some feedback. You do not have to mention the people gossiping, but this opens up dialogue between yourself and the person that really matters. Bad situation! Gossip is evil & people who intentionally disparage others are even more evil. I wish you the best!