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Last 2 months - panic setting in


Hi everyone. I have not posted here before but have recently discovered the forum and have been reading posts. I am a PT PhD student, at the end of a long 6 years, with a final submission date at end of October. It has been a struggle, I have had to move house due to aggressive neighbours, a member of my family has had major surgery, mu supervisor was off sick for a very long time and other family mambers have been very ill. At the same time, as work (I have worked full time all the way through) I have gone from working on my own to managing a very busy team and seeing my resposnibilties evelate to terrifying proportions! Enough of a moan, I am just hoping for some support! I have a nearly final draft method chapter, a fairly well advanced intro and lit review, an almost finished results and a virtually unwritten discussion! Does anyone this I can actually do this?


I am taking the fact no-one has responded as a very bad sign that you all think I am doomed.
Either that, or you are all working away on your writing in which case well done!

I will just do what I can, and if it is not ready, put it down to experience. Over and out, and good luck


Hi Kikuka,

I think you'll be fine. You've survived the hard part and got to the end of your PhD, despite lots of issues along the way, so well done. I genuinely think you can do it with the time you have left. I've got to submit at the end of Sept and have a similar amount done as you, and I'm keeping the faith that I can get it all done it that time, so I'm sure you can too!

Keep a positive frame of mind- if you believe you can do it, then you can :-)

Good luck


Thanks Amy. I appreciate your support. I hope you are getting on OK. Does anyone else find themselves with 2 months to go and workingfull time? Do yu ever wish you had not started something?


Hi situation isn't exactly the same as yours. I have 2 months to go until I submit but I'm not working full-time. I'd like to be working need the money but can't seem to get taken on for even the most menial jobs....and believe me I've not been fussy! So that brings its own stresses. However, I am a Mum to 5 which believe me is a full-time job with mega responsibilities too (only 4 still at home tho)! I've also had similar problems to you with ill family members....Mum has had two major operations within the past two years and suffered two heart attacks. Then my eldest daughter decided to get married this summer (she's still pretty young so that brought its own worries, then her husband-to-be became critically ill just before the wedding so they both needed a lot of support....fortunately, husband-to-be recovered and wedding went well and was extra special). However, as you can imagine life has been tough and the PhD work has never really been able to take first place at any point. I frequently wish I'd never funding ran out this January so I have been months with no money and relying on my not well-paid husband to support us all. At the moment I am writing my final empirical chapter, then I'll do my appendices and write my conclusion. I am determined to do it as I just want it out of the way now so I can get my life back. I am sure that you will be able to do it's just a case of two months of hard slog. Just keep writing...aim to do a certain amount every day and go for it. The best of luck!:p(up)


Oh Amy, how do you manage! Makes me feel really bad for complining. I know that if you can get through all that you can certainly finish your studies! Best of luck I know you can get there. I had a day off today, but will be back to it tomorrow. I work 60 hours a week so I usually try and do a bit in the office when no-one is looking!