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last 48 hours before second draft hand-in


Before about mid-day on Monday or early afternoon I must hand in thesis draft number two.

Before then:

1) redraft introduction
2)redraft conclusion
3) redraft sections of chapter one
4) redraft sections of chapter two.

Must get this done. Will count the tomatoes....

Tried. so tired.


I'm so burnt out with the thesis and just want to throw the computer, books, and notes out of the second-floor window into the snow!

i really wanted to get it all done this month. I just can't do it. The old drafts needed too much work. And now I feel like a failure and just worn out. The money runs out in two weeks, and there is no way I can get it all done by then.

At least by late tonight/ early hours of tmrw I will have the three core chapters done.

Meaning that next month I will need to write the re-draft the last chapter, the intro, and the conc.

Urgh. So miserable sat here in a foreign country with nobody to look after me whilst writing up. So tired and just fed-up. I think I'm just too tired to cry really. :-((sprout)


Hey Chrisrolinksi, you're going well!!!! So close to having your second draft done - wow!!! I'm thinking that my second draft is the final that I'll be handing in, so obviously you're going for quality. Keep going!!!! You'll be done soon!!!

Hugs to you for being alone, and struggling.


======= Date Modified 14 Feb 2010 11:05:43 =======
KEEP GOING CHRISROLINSKI !!!!! You are so very close. Just do what you can, it's all progress. I understand your frustration. I am SICK looking at my thesis now but a bit more pain and it will all be worth while. You're much closer to the finishing line than I am and I always think you sound really determined and driven in your posts. So what if it takes an extra few weeks. Can you get a small overdraft to keep going? You're not alone sprout (sprout) ;-)

(By the way, I'm using you and Sue for inspiration/motivation)


I am going to go for a walk for a wee bit and clear my head for half an hour after writing down what I need to do for the rest of the day. must get away from the screen!


I plan to live for a month on savings and my interest free credit card. i plan to get a temp job asp. hence why I wanted to finish on time. But can't be helped now.

Thanks for the encouragement. I have been really motivated in the past, but have burnt out of late. I took too much on with publishing 3 papers and a contribution chapter (one which needs corrections by the end of the month!! ) :-( as well at the thesis which has taken its toll. Kind of just run out of steam now.

but will try and get back on track, after a walk!



Keep going. Keep going.You can do it. Sleep is for wimps ;-)

Seriously though, the weight off your mind when you get it sent off will be amazing. Then you can rest a little.

I am on my last legs here. Trying to get the whole document ready for resubmission in four weeks and need about ten weeks. The latest problem is a chapter that has 23,000 words and it should be 15,000. For the life of me I can't see where / how to cut it and my supervisors appear to have dropped off the face of the earth.


======= Date Modified 14 Feb 2010 20:44:18 =======
Chrisrolinski, do whatever you need to, to keep going. You might've already done this...I'm turning into a crazy woman, who's gradually covering up the walls of her study. ;-) I have numbers of chapters pinned to the walls - with versions 1, 2 and 3 and crosses through them; pictures of mortar boards (!); my mantra of 20 tomatoes a day, timelines, large notes telling me I'll be finished soon and to keep going.

Are you building in rewards? Sod the cost, stick it on the card - can you get a massage or something? Nice food, baths, reading a novel before bed...

It'll be worth it, supposedly. You're close. And that's brilliant that you're doing papers and a chapeter - will help with finding a job later. You won't regret doingthose. Think of all the things you can do once you're finished!! And working in a temp job will be a lovely change from being a crazy hermit student!! We're all behind you and think you're doing a fab job.


======= Date Modified 14 Feb 2010 23:31:04 =======

Thanks! I sent off what I could, that I think is actually quite good. And have kept back the stuff that is in-draft progress away from the supervisors as I need to work on it.

I kind of need the chapters I sent off to be approved by the sups because those are the most original ones with the hard sources in them. Sigh. Here's hoping.

Yes, my office is plastered with post-its, books, old plates with crumbs on, stained cups, crossed out drafts. ;)

I think I might take Monday off. Too tired. Well, off, in that I will be applying for an academic job!

I will also go food shopping and buy treats to scoff.

Good luck with everything you have to do too. I am hoping that I will still be on to complete in say mid April.

(montage from Rocky or GI Jane . gritty determination I have, if not the muscles of steel)


Well done Chrisrolinski, what fantastic news! Hope you enjoy a bit of a rest to recharge those phd batteries before the next push.


Excellent effort. Well done. Yes, a little time away from it will do you good (as will nice scoffage)!