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Last month! Stitching together, referencing, adding photos...


I have been 'finishing' my PhD for over two years now, but this is really it.
Anyone else trying to tie all the loose ends up without taking it apart completely again? There's a temptation which is preventing me from completing that is to think that it is all awful and that you need to rethink fundamentals, rather than just tinker about and get it fluid, in logical progression and presentable.
Anyone in this stage? Perhaps in their last month? Let's help each other!(up)
p.s. charting some of the woes of phd on if anyone is interested.


Some more details:
I am currently go through the comments that my supervisor gave me on my draft in preparation for submission. One of these comments has been to cut/redistribute Chapter 7! Now I have redistributed it, everything is out of sync and I feel like I'm back at square one. What's worse, I still am trying to rethink the theme/conclusion, which is not yet firm in my head, although my supervisor thought my concluding chapter was 'spectacular' (I completely disagree...). I'm really trying to not make any more work for myself, but still keep trying to change and add fundamentals rather than concentrating on making it read like a thesis.
I seem to have a mental block to finishing, and when I look at it just feel like crying (as I did yesterday, but I think that was PMT;-)). Giving the draft to my friend in ONE WEEK for proofreading. I know I will not have it polished by then, but aim to add in all refs and photos etc. when I get it back from her.
Must accept that it will never be perfect....


I know exactly how you feel. Every time I have to give a draft, it takes a further month to actualy give it away! I'm now over the deadline of submition and although I keep telling myself it will be over at the end of the month (that's what I keep telling everyone) I doubt it! I'd like to thing that everyone have a blockage about finishing and that's because we care and it's quite a conforting place to be (don't laugh, it is as you know what tomorow will be like even though it means being miserable at your desk all day!) From what I've heared, you will still find mistakes whatever you do! I'm not happy either about the fluency between chapters and I know I would like to have it perfect because I spend so much time on it but I also know that I will have to let it go at some point! What does your supervisor think about it? Maybe you should trust his/her judgement...after all they are also putting their reputation at risk and they wouldn't let you submit if they were not happy...Good luck!


Sorry I didn't realized that both threads were from the same person! It's good to hear that your friend is helping you keeping track. That's my technique too! Your supervisor seems more or less happy about it so I wouldn't worry too much! Go on finish it! you're nearly there!


i feel the same. i have this mind block about finishing my draft. because then its all out there! am worried what my supervisor will think of my HARD work.. but i've decided to be sensible. i just hope i wil have no more than two months to correct before submission. am just tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired. so once am told it has a chance am submitting.

back to work now. just keep at it. about moving things around..... been doing that the whole month and its set me two chapters back! i guess we have to aim for acceptable and not at perfect!

so lets get on with it.


Quote From tokyorabbit:

One of these comments has been to cut/redistribute Chapter 7! Now I have redistributed it, everything is out of sync and I feel like I'm back at square one. What's worse, I still am trying to rethink the theme/conclusion, which is not yet firm in my head, although my supervisor thought my concluding chapter was 'spectacular' (I completely disagree...).

I think there comes a point where you've got to decide for yourself, and stand your ground. My supervisor was forever wanting me to rewrite my conclusions chapter. I'd do that, and he'd still not be happy and want it totally restructured! And so on ... Eventually - and near the end - I said enough was enough, and I was going to settle on something *I* was happy with. Plus I knew my second supervisor had been happy with a version several rewrites ago ...

Good luck with the final stages!


Thank you all for your replies. I'm so pleased to hear that other people feel the same way! Although I'm sad for you of course at the same time, as I know how it sucks being in this mindset and situation.
Chipie - yes, yes! That's it - deadlines wooshing by, even though you've nearly finished. And subconsciously not wanting to finish. Actually I wrote on my blog (address on thread title if you are interested) about the subconscious pressure that the thought of the viva can place, and how that may be why many of us are afraid to hand it in. Once you hand it in, the toughest bit of all is coming right up. And I know one of the examiners and really respect them, so am petrified of them thinking my work is rubbish. But also, I agree, the big question mark of what will be left of my life once it's out of my hands!? I certainly don't have anything else lined up. May I ask when your latest deadline for handing in is? Is this self- or externally imposed?
And definitely, listen to your supervisors - within reason, as Bilbo Baggins cautions. Actually, lets qualify that. If they say it's basically ready to hand in, believe them and stop thinking it's rubbish and trying to rewrite it. If they say it needs more changes, AGAIN, then start to question them.
Jojo- i I completely agree. We have to accept it won't be perfect. In fact, I think this PhD, painful as it is, is a blessing in disguise as I really have learn that sometimes good enough is best. I don't mean to sounds like a psychoanalyst, but would you, or others, describe yourself as perfectionist procrastinators too? Its a bad combination, but I'm trying to break the spell!
SO!!! On with making it as readable and coherent as possible (and by 'as possible' I mean as much as you can do in these circumstances and time frame, and NOT 'to perfection'!)
I'm hoping to smooth over everything in chs 1 and 2 today, but I also have to add/rewrite a chunk for ch1. And remember - when in doubt, cut!!
GANBARE (Japanese for keep at it, keep going) everyone!!