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last struggle.


Hiya. This is my first thread. I am finding my PhD really difficult at the moment. Its a week before I have to hand my draft in. My supervisor just told me yesterday that its awful. I have two. I have been getting feedback from one and its still bad. I was feeling really rough yesterday. I can't take anymore. This is driving me crazy. Sorry for the rant. I just dont think i can take anymore.


A big hug to you. You need to take a break before making any decisions. Forum can be quiet on Saturdays but if people were here they would all show you that you're not alone. Don't give up, there is a solution to everything. Did he actually say awful? Did he suggest any solution? There has to be something you can do. Hasn't he/she been reading your work regularly?


how can it be awful? they may just have chosen the wrong word. Perhaps they mean it just needs tidying up a bit. If it as draft that is exactly what it is, a draft, it isn't the final version just another step along the way, perhaps they are stressed, it is coming up to the grand opening of the uni to the newbies, which is probably quite a difficult time for lecturers as well as the new students. I would ask how it can be improved, what aspects need work etc. . Don't give up.


Hi Sillysally. A big hug to you. do take heart. the writing up process is a long process with mnay things to revisit. Take a positive step by asking what needs attention and how it can be improved. I recently started writing up and i am finding it hard, cant even dream of the day when i will have to submit a first draft as it were. sometimes i feel good and sometimes terrible especially after handing in a chapter - which is usually torn apart. Take a little break like a day of feel good movies ( i usually do)  and pick things up with your supervisor. thing is you have to positive and brave about the criticism you get.
Wishing you well


Hi SillySally, you are definately not alone!!
a draft is a DRAFT, its not meant to be the final perfect polished version. it can be improved, it aint over till you stop trying. they should give you constructive critisisim to improve it. nothing is AWFUL, if you handed in a one line sentence than yeh that would be bad, but you gave it your best shot, and thats whats important.

my sups always said all my drafts were rubbish, and i know they will say my final thesis is completely crap, but i just gotta try my best really.

but you just keep going back to them and improving them. you will get there. it just takes time. the only difference between a good piece of writing and a bad one, is that the good one has gone through several different drafts.

leave it for a day or so and then go back to it and read the feedback they have given you. if they have just given you a blanket "its awful" rewrite, that is not helpful, and you should ask them for constructive critisism as to how to improve it.

dont take it personally when they say it, its not a reflection on you as a person.


Dig deep this is one of the hurdles that has to be jumped. It is a draft, not a finished product and the feedback (although hurtful) could get you on the right track and avoid problems later.

Chin up.



Hey Sillysally.......
I know that u would be feeling really low... But what ur supervisor means is that ur draft would need a few changes.....Try asking him, where exactly he wants corrections or improvisations!!! Ask a friend who has done similar work to read through it and give some inputs....I know ur supervisiors comments may seem harsh, just use the negativity to empower urself and prove him wrong....I am sure that ur other supervisor will give u better inputs.... It is normal to think that ur thesis could have been written better, because no doubt u have high standards for urself, but please realise that u have written it with the best of ur abilities..... Go on look at ur thesis with a microscopic eye and try to rectify/improve things that u can..... Cheer up!!!!! I am sure that ur thesis is really gud!!!!
Take care!!