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Leeds or Sussex


Hi, I need some advice! I don't know which one to choose MA European Studies in the University of Leeds or University of Sussex? I've never been in the UK and I will appreciate any suggestions!


Based purely on location go for Sussex. The campus is a little out of town but there is a train station and lots of regular buses. Leeds is a great little city but Brighton is fab and only 55 mins from London + lots of over seas students and tonnes going on what ever your bag is. After London, Brighton is my fav place in the UK.


Well,I graduated from Leeds University and my colleague at work graduated from Sussex University only because Leeds University declined his offer.

Trust me,you really cannot compare the city and vibrant life of the Leeds to Sussex and the academics excellence from the reputation Leeds has got is a plus to your degree.It's a decision you would not regret.I would say you should choose Leeds.

Goodluck with your course.


Hello. Well I did my degree at Leeds and just finished a masters at Sussex. In my opinion Leeds is a good university but Sussex is great! It depends what you what from a uni. Both have busy city vibes but Sussex uni is a campus uni just outside Brighton with regular bus services (like all the time) and is very peaceful. Sussex has a great rep, look at its ratings. It is rated better then Leeds in fact.