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Let's share some positive stories


I'm one year in now, and things are going really well. I spent a lot of the year worrying I was 'missing something' as I found the year demanding, but never negatively so. I would spend days, up to a couple of weeks without touching the thing, but then when I did, I was very focussed. I teach, I have 3 young kids (who I see a lot), and I design websites to pay the mortgage, but I've managed to juggle these things well enough.

I came through my first year review panel well, and they have no concerns. I'm going to take it easy in August and am looking forward to next year, which I know will be more difficult, but hopefully equally manageable.


I'm not writing this to say 'look at me, aren't I great' but rather to see if other people want to talk about things going well. The forum understandably contains a lot of moaning, which is absolutely right (and I use it for the same) as it is a good place to get advice when things aren't going so well. Just thought it might be nice to redress the balance slightly on this lovely sunny day


I think the PhD is a rollercoaster, even those of us who love it much of the time have very bad times, and vice versa. I am a part-time student so this is played out over a longer period of time. Last year, I didn't have a good year: I was depressed and hardly produced anything. My supervisors were worried, and although I passed my panel meeting it wasn't with flying colours. This year has been a totally different story: I have produced two chapters that were well received, was praised in the panel meeting and look set to have a full draft by Easter! It is amazing how different I feel.


I also love the people at Uni now. The PhD students who started last year are a really great bunch and we have done lots socially this year. As well as the pub (obviously), we have been to the cinema, theatre and even day trips together!

My supervisors are great as well. When I consider that I very nearly gave up this time last year, they have worked as hard as I have to get me back on track and I respect them for that.


I have had a similar experience: Initially I found it really hard to get going, mainly as everything took ages, could not see progress and had major difficulties organising focus groups.

Now I have done 4 focus groups, getting interesting information and actually notice that my supervisor was right regarding using this research method! And I enjoy doing the focus groups!

I think it is mainly a matter of persevering!


I definitely agree with the comment that the PhD is a rollercoaster, there are some days when I can't even stand to think about my PhD but there are other days when I get so excited about the littlest things!

Today I am flynig high- I have just come to the end of a horrible analysis that I couldn't do and my lit review is really taking shape. I have learnt so many new things in the last week, it really is amazing. I'm even starting to get to the point where there arn't enough hours in the day to keep working- am planning on taking a load of work home this weekend and am quite looking forward to it!


Here's a positive thing:

My supervisors have always been fantastic but since I've been writing up they have really pulled together.

There are four of them split over two institutions so it's difficult for them to find a time to meet together but this year I've been seeing them about once a month and they're always positive, helpful and supportive.

...I couldn't do it without them *sob*


One positive aspect of doing this PhD is getting fit(ter). Writing up is so bloody stressful and I found a way of de-stressing: daily visits to the gym and working off 400cals certainly beat the stress bug out of my system. Cross-trainer X30mins and then treadmill X20mins at 15% incline- excellent for the cardiovascular system.
So there! Its not all doom and gloom.


Positive stories about my time as a PhD student, hmmmm...

I bought a new bin today it's really nice. The taxi driver told me so.


I didn't think this merited a thread of its own but I am so happy I wanted to share it and this seems like the best place!
I actually met a target! I have this work plan for the summer and it didn't seem to be going too well, but I'm going away with some friends next week and I had a target to get a chunk of a new chapter to my supervisor by today. Just about to zap off 5 000 brand new words to him! Hurray! :)


Well done, Frankie! I love the feeling of meeting a target like that. Have a good relaxing holiday now!


Wow Harui, you sound like me! I've been going to the gym every day while writing up, too. I eat less as well, because I end up thinking hmm, 300 calories: that's a 5k run in sandwich form.