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looking for paid help in formatting tables, graphics and bibliography


Hi there, the stress is building up for me...I don't have much time left and would like to concentrate on the editing and re-structuring work that I need to do on my thesis. I am looking for someone to do the following (paid of course):
1-Trace most of my references just by using the names and years cited in my text, input them into Endnote for me to use afterwards.
2-Format tables and graphics.
3-In the final stage: format the text and check for remaining errors.
Can anyone help? Thanks a lot!


I think the reason no-one has replied is because there is no way to give out details privately on this forum.


thanks cc! it's great that even after you've submitted you still find the time to give some feedback to those of us who are still struggling to get there.
i was more thinking of tips about where to find people who can help with the tedious bits. there are lots of website about help on writing dissertations and essays -which look more like plagiarism to me- but not much on assitance on basic issues like formatting, graphics and is research assistance work basically.


Hi bluelife

I might be able to help you. Two things. (1) Are you anywhere near London? If so, we could meet. If not, (2) Can you give me your email address so we can discuss details?


thanks!! will set up a bluelife email and will get back to you. i am an hour away from london by train.


*grin* Me too (well, 45 mins). North or South?


hi again, am 1h south of london.
here's my email:
looking foward to hearing from you.


Hi bluelife

You have mail.


Actually, you don't have mail - apparently yahoo doesn't like this email address and it bounced back. Can you check it?


sorry!! it's


Hi Bluelife

You have mail once again. Ciao for now.