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MA in English at York


Hi, I'm desperately trying to decide between an MA in York or Durham. I had pretty much decided that York was probably better for me in terms of specific course outlines, despite the fact that I have had a long distance relationship with my boyfriend who studies in Durham for the last 2 years (we've been going out for 3), we're both from abroad. Anyway I went to visit York last weekend and I was shocked at the condition of the campus. It seems awful, dirty old fashioned and it seemed to have no facilities (the sports was nice). Can someone allay my fears? I'm now totally reconsidering my choice. I can't imagine living in such a claustrophobic atmosphere. Is it a good idea to live off campus in some of the residential places? Help!!!


Hi, I'm thinking of going to York to study an MA course in Medieval English Literature. I've never visited the university but you're the second person I've heard defining it "claustrophobic" it really that bad? However, I applied for accomodation outside of the campus because I will probably attend classes at King's Manor, near the city center. As a postgrad student you can apply for a room in one of the student houses held by the university.
Hope that helps!