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PhD funding interview


Hi all,

I have been accepted on a Doctoral Programme and after applying for internal funding I have been invited to an interview next week. I have already had an initial interview with my potential supervisors and have been in regular contact with them as I have been revising my research proposal for the funding application.

I was, therefore, wondering if it was appropriate to email them these potential supervisors informing them of my interview and asking for any feedback from my previous interview to improve? However, I am unsure if this comes across as simply trying to improve for the upcoming interview or if it comes across as inappropriate?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


No,I think it demonstrates that you are very keen to get the funding and also to improve your interview skills where needed. I'd go for it! They may come back to you saying that they have no suggestions. Nothing to lose but something to gain potentially.

Good luck!


Goog job, congrats to you, hope u will finish succesefull your PhD, i am on my way to apply too! Wish me luck ))