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PhD Gone Wrong


Hello All,

So I started a PhD 2 years ago and it took a while for me to find my focus, but once I did I worked hard to try to make it work. I researched the area and felt it was the right direction as well as asking around and explaining what it was that I was attempting to accomplish and so many people loved the idea which filled me with confidence.

At my first years review panel there where questions but the panel liked the idea as well and passed me on to the second year so I continued my research with some minor alterations that had been the sum of the feedback from the review panel. I even went and presented my work at a conference which boosted my confidence even more.

Now I have recently had my second years review and they have told me that they have serious issues with the direction I am taking and don't think I should continue with it. I have gone from being full of confidence about this area I have spent 2 years working on to thinking 'what have I been wasting my time on?'

I don't know where I have gone wrong but apparently the rumour mill has been going and there are rumours of harshly worded emails being sent between the review panel chair and my supervisory team saying I have been grossly let down and because of this I will be lucky to get an MRes out my work.

I guess a question I need to figure out the answer to is have they let me down or is it all my fault for not seeing things in the right way. And if it is my supervisory teams fault then what can I do about it?


I found that many students today have the same problems but, they are quiet to say about this. I heard that many students have to accept the panel decision because they cannot have any powers.


I know of someone who has been in this position. She just got told to change direction slightly and then got an extra 6 months of funding. I think it will all work out in the end because your university wants to you complete and graduate.


What's your relationship like with your main supervisor, or your supervisory team? I think I'd sit down with them as soon as possible and talk about how to move forward - the main thing here is to find out what you need to do to be on course for your PhD. Don't give up after your two years' hard work!


Wow, how is this even possible? At no point in time in the past 2 years not a single person told you they thought your research had potholes? For 2 years it was magical and now its trash? Something is missing here.

Did they give a reason for their 180 degree opinion on your research?

This post can only go one of 3 ways: Either you COMPLETELY ignored the few critics you had the past 2 years, if not your supervisors are clinically insane, or there is some crucial information you have not shared here.